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Weathe - World Radio HistoryThe TEN-TEC RX-340 communications receiver combines cutting -edge, state -of -the art technology, with excellent ergonomics and esthetics. COHHUMIC - World Radio HistoryWorks on all modes --. SSB, AM, CW, FM, data-- and on all shortwave bands. Plugs between main external antenna and receiver. Built-in active ... HERALD - Rhode Island Jewish Historical AssociationTo select the appropriate casing design, certain criteria must be established and followed. ... --downhole equipment-- packers and bridge plugs, International ... MASTER'S THESIS - UiS Brage... 93 and 94. Accept Controls based on legislative requirements must be ... All chemicals are reviewed and approved through BHP Hazardous ... Brent Decommissioning Programmes Environmental Statement BDE ...Shell U.K. Limited (Shell) is presently preparing the Brent Field Decommissioning Programmes to decommission the Brent. Ithaca Energy (UK) LimitedAll gas/condensate wells, all shut in. 2 subsea wells at Anglia West (B). 48/18b-9 & 48/18b-B2, both gas/condensate, shut in. 3 subsea appraisal wells. 48/18b ... s PA 3349GOETHALS (George Washington), joint author. ALLINSMITH (Wesley), and others. The role of schools in mental health. [With] a field study [by] W. C. Wilson. Attitudes of extension agents towards expert systems as decision ...All (or many) of them may contribute significantly to the S ... [93], however a more thorough analysis of the HTC parameter space remains to ... Treaty Series Recueil des TraitesThe Depositary Government shall inform all signatory Governments and all adhering Governments of all ratifications deposited and adherences received. No ... expert teacher gaze across two cultural settings - COREAll statistical analyses comprised of repeated measures ANOVA. Transformed ... material gaze, = -.93, s.e. = .50, t = -1.87, p = .07, and proportions of gaze ... Thèse HDR - CNRSAbstract We study hydrogen in the Saha regime, within the physical picture in terms of a quantum proton-electron plasma. Long ago, Saha showed that, ... RADHEAT-V4:A Code System to Generate Multigroup Constants ...A modular code system RADHEAT-V4 lias been developed for performing precisely neutron and photon transport analyses, and shielding safety evaluations.