The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
The term ?disability? seems to sum up a rather semantically fuzzy form of denotation and a huge amount of possible connotations. 
Das Postulat der Vollinklusion im Förder- und BetreuungsbereichThis special issue of Parallèlescontains revised versions of papers presented at an international workshop held at the University of Mainz in Germersheim. A Comparative Analysis of the Mechanisms of Social Inclusion forI would like to express my great appreciation and thanks to both my German and. Russian PhD advisors: Professor Dr. Ernst von Kardorff at the Humboldt ... 33rd Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 2021)The objective of this thesis is to analyze the WCTT of all flows on the ... They define a fitness function which select the mapping where all communications of ... Worst-case delay analysis of core-to-IO flows over many ... - oataoObwohl Dantzig-Wolfe Reformulierung für ganzzahlige Programme in der. Praxis gezeigt hat, starke Relaxationen in verschiedenen Anwendungen zu. Natural Language Processing with Deep Neural Networksthat if a configuration for a problem specification meets all or nearly all of the ... 93, no. 6, pp. 1204?. 1223, 2005. [44] M. Broy, I. H. Kruger, A. Pretschner ... Polyhedral Aspects of Dantzig-Wolfe Reformulationune participation à la session prévue à Paris au cours du mois l'l'l'sent. Je proteste le plus énergi- quenlt'ut contre cet acte aruîtl'aire. Je vous prie ... Searching For Flexible Solutions To Task Allocation Problems... 93. Gregor Gössler and Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli. Timed Interfaces ... all active thread utilizations is less than 100% of the CPU time), the ... Continual and Robust Estimation of Camera Parameters in ...cours à des approches de type compilation pour ... tion costs and by choosing a single duration for each operation on all processors that can. Students learn to manage conflict, not to avoid it... 93 CAR PRO 771.1580 Iw/a»yal bp<rII '1/27/93CAR PRO 77t .. 580 w/rmpat ~. 2/27/93 CAR PRO 771 -IsaOI ..._------ -- ... '93T100. FULL SIZE P/UP. GPS data processing: code and phase Algorithms, Techniques and ...This document has been partially supported by the financial assistance of the. European Union. The contents of this document are the sole ... THE ROTE OF AFFIXATION IN THE GRAMMAR OF IGBO f h e s is ...... (93) 0 c i /umu n k i t a . / ^ 'He is carrying p u p p ie s .' (9i|) Sze na atu ... )) 'never growing up/high'. ( iv ) ji.STT. 't o co n tract/sh rin k /d raw ... Subspace sampling using determinantal point processes.... all i ? [k], wi = 0. For any S ? [d] of cardinality k,. P(Y = S) ... 93. 92 column subset selection using projection dpps. 0.6 0.4 0.20.0 0.2 ...