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The president retains the power to control legislation and rules by decree. In 2004 CPDM leader Paul Biya won reelection as president, a position he has held ...
F?LM FEST?VALLER? 2023 - Kamera Arkas?Palas, Wild Abandon and The Life and Movies of Er?an Kuneri, which. Netflix made in Netflix made in 2022 (examined from the first project to the present) and ... Küreselle?en Dünyada Kad?n - IV: Güçlenme ve ZorluklarSection 2: Abstract ... Er?an Kuneri, Series 1, episode 3. Netflix, 14. May. Available from: https ... T.C. ANKARA ÜN?VERS?TES? SOSYAL B?L?MLER ENST?TÜSÜ ...Örne?in Er?an Kuneri dizisi ilk kez yay?nland???nda, Türkiye'deki izleyicilerin bu içeri?i ana sayfalar?ndaki ilk öneri olarak görmesi ola?an bir durumdur ... Yapay Zeka Ve Bireyötesilik - ?stanbul Geli?im ÜniversitesiEr?an. Kuneri features the story of a film director who has just been released from prison where he was put by the military junta for directing ... Selected Papers and Abstracts - Gender ExSahil Naghizada, ?Türk Dizilerinde Alg? Yönetimi ve Ürün Yerle?tirmesinin ?ncelenmesi: Netflix Platformu Er?an Kuneri Dizisi Örne?i?, Maltepe Üniversitesi ... ÖZGEÇM?? VE ESERLER L?STES? - my?SU - ?stinye Üniversitesi |Öz. ?nternetin geli?imi ileti?im alan?nda birçok olanak yaratm??t?r. A? üzerinde gerçekle?en dönü?ümler, kullan?c?lar?n aktif kat?l?m?na olanak sa?layan. Platform ambiguities and censorship in Turkey's drama productionAbstract. About a decade ago, Turkey's television drama makers believed that streaming platforms would expand markets and create an uncensored space. Student Handbook Postgraduate Programmes... ???????????. ?????????????13 ?? ????. ??????????????????????????????. ?????????????? ... ???? - ???????????????. ???????????????CBR ????????????????????. ???????K ????? ???????????????????? 1 ... ??????????????????????????????????????????????128??????. ? ... ?????????????????????????????????. ??? ... ????????????? - ????????????????????(????) ??CNS1233 ?????????. ?(??????) ?28 ???????????45kgf/cm2? 9.5.3 ????? ... ??????????????????????????????????. ??????????????. ?????110 / 06. 1. ?????????????????????????????????????.