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The European Balance of Payment Crisis - ifo Institut

economies of most euro states produce below their capacity limits. In Germany, however, which already produces more closely to the full employ- ment limit ...


Trends in Top Incomes and their Taxation in OECD Countries
Today, the richest one percent receives between 7% of all pre-tax income in Denmark and the Netherlands up to almost 20% in the United States. This increase is ...
Facts to Explain
? Argentina: One of the world's richest country in early 20th century. lag ... China: Poorest in 1950; Overtakes Africa and India recently. Page 54. On ...
Public investment in Europe - European Central Bank
While, for the EU as a whole, the public investment-to-GDP ratio remains at the same level as before the crisis, in the euro area the ratio is somewhat lower.
Income Inequality in the European Union - OECD
Poor growth performance over the past decades in Europe has increased concerns for rising income dispersion and social exclusion.
Outlook Report 2019 - IN BRIEF - GBRMPA ELibrary
Le projet de création de la future centrale sur la commune Vins-sur-Caramy dans le département du Var (83) est porté par la société.
MuseoMag - Musée National d'Histoire et d'Art
This Entire Issue is brought to you for free and open access by the Washington College of Law Journals & Law Reviews at Digital Commons @.
STATE OF THE CLIMATE IN 2017 | Actu-Environnement
Les réacteurs expérimentaux sont des installations particu- lières. Ce sont à la fois des réacteurs, dans lesquels se déroule.
Conseil National de Protection de la Nature - Avis biodiversité
Both the number of experimental parameters and their range of variation have been extended, and a closer degree of simula- tion of the actual power reactor has ...
The proxies (stable isotope and trace elements), provide information on precipitation, temperature and vegetation conditions that, along with ...
High resolution past climate and paleoenvironmental reconstruction ...
... Temperature ... June 2014 to May 2017, and was the longest, most widespread, and almost certainly most destructive such event on record ...
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