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En 2008, l'industrie s'est centralisée davantage lorsque. Soriana a acheté 197 magasins de Gigante (un autre détaillant). Quant à Wal-Mart, il a poursuivi ...


Au cours du premier trimestre de 2018, la balance des produits agricoles a atteint un excédent de plus de 2,6 milliards d'USD. Selon le système d'information ...
Stepping into the river - Taranaki Regional Council
New Zealand's longest river, the. Waikato, flows past his Hamilton home on its journey from the clear upper reaches near Taupo to murky lowland. Quinn says ...
New Zealand Water Accounts Update 2020 | Stats NZ
from two of the largest rivers in the region (Haast and Buller). ... Tasman Glacier remains New Zealand's largest glacier and was 82.8km2 in. 2016 ...
Waipawa River - Hawke's Bay Regional Council
NZ fishing website describes the Waipawa River as a river which fishes well throughout the year due to its water remaining much cooler than other rivers in this ...
The River Values Assessment System - Envirolink
Many attempts over several decades have been made to develop priority lists of important rivers for different values (e.g., angling, kayaking, irrigation, ...
New Zealand river environment classification user guide
The location of each REC class is mapped so that the class of any section of river in New Zealand can be identified.
The health of the Waikato River and catchment
The Waikato River is New Zealand's longest river, and is also arguably its most heavily used. It arises on the slopes of Ruapehu in the central North Island ...
Protecting New Zealand's Rivers - Department of Conservation
Rivers have special intrinsic values that are being incrementally lost. The New Zealand Conservation. Authority (NZCA) believes action.
New Zeuland - Rec reational River Survey
The Karamea is not of boatable size above the Taipo confluence and the Saxon Falls. From the Taipo to Karamea. Bend there are a number of bony, rocky rapids ...
New Zealand - Rec reational River Survey
... river of the North. Island and at over 435km it is the longest in the country. It rises on the eastern side of Mount Ruapehu, receiving waters from the other ...
Ranking New Zealand river values - AgEcon Search
The values being tested, the host regional council, and current progress are: Salmonids ? Tasman: done. Irrigation ? Canterbury: criteria developed; under peer ...
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Alors que l'intérêt du public pour la Corée est chaque jour plus manifeste, les études de la langue coréenne sont quasi inexistantes en France. Le cas de.