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Touaregs nigériens : unité culturelle et diversité régionale d ... - CORE

... cours de l'été vers le nord, mais les mêmes saisons sont présentes dans l'ensemble du domaine étudié. Les Touaregs connaissent les signes annonciateurs des ...


Cour Crossag. Deucheran Hill. Beinn an Turk. Tangy. Hunterstan. Sneddon Law ... Bedrun. Sils Fisur Ova Sain. Greuth. Rosead. Fedach. Oberselach. Edling. Karalo ...
- au moins une phase de filtrage au cours de laquelle le liquide passe à travers la première unité de filtration. (12), la deuxième unité de filtration (19) ...
Correctional Data Analysis Systems - Bureau of Justice Statistics
In this paper, we analyze the private participation in prison services in three countries: Brazil, France, and the. United States.
Résumé Résumé
Respecting prisoners means addressing them courteously, by the name they prefer; asking not ordering; listening to what they are saying; being sensitive to ...
Organizing Prisons through Public-Private Partnerships: a Cross
This judgment condemns the Belgian State to: - reduce the prison density rate to 110% within one year under penalty of a penalty of ?1,000 per day per inmate ...
Prisoners' experiences of respect in public and private sector prisons
?The Economics of Prison Reen- try,? in Gerard Robinson and Elizabeth English Smith (eds.), Education for Liberation: The Politics of Promise and Reform Inside.
Criminal Detention in the EU: Conditions and Monitoring
The article compares the concepts of prison labor in West and East German prison laws and penological discourses in the 1970s and 1980s and explores changes ...
The Importance of Education during Incarceration as Told by 22 Men ...
The reports, studies and materials published in this series aim to further the develop- ment of theory and practice in Adult Education.
Use of dyed cement grouts in foundation grouting
The ASTM C 979 standard requires that colorants not degrade the setting times, air content and com- pressive strength of the concrete [or grout] mix (ASTM 2010) ...
Concrete, masonry, and brickwork - Internet Archive
... mix, as can be seen from the fact that fresh concrete placed under water ... coloring agents. Certain admixtures and coloring agents may reduce the.
Science and Technology of Concrete Admixtures
Thus, it was cheaper to increase concrete compressive strength by adding more cement to the mix rather than using concrete admixtures. ... coloring the ...
Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction - Discount PDH
Five classes of floors are constructed with monolithic con- crete; each involves some variation in strength and finishing techniques.