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Artisanal Gold Mining and Surface Water Pollution in Ghana

Small-scale mining can be extremely environmentally damaging and often has serious health and safety consequences for workers and surrounding communities. This ...


Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining
Owing to the unsustainable nature of mining activities, the future indicates not only increases in unemployment, but also environmental.
A Case Study of Mining Communities in the Tarkwa-Nsuaem ...
Essayez avec l'orthographe
Assessment of the habitability of Mars' surface through the inventory ...
Résumé : Ma thèse de doctorat porte sur la détection de molécules organiques sur Mars. Je présente l'influence des sels sur la préservation ...
Phosphorus Mass Flows: A Planning Tool for Food Waste ...
Understanding the quality of locally available foods is important in the development of strategies for combating food and nutrition insecurity. ... High ...
Phosphorus Balance of Sweden - DiVA portal
Nevertheless, recent studies (Rodehutscord and Rosenfelder, 2016; Sommerfeld et al., 2018) reported that broiler chickens are able to use P from phytates when ...
The Peruvian guano, which is relatively high in N (12?14%) and total P (4.5?5.5%), was imported as a commercial fertilizer in both North America and England in ...
Effects of the source and level of digestible phosphorus in the diet ...
Urine calcium is closely related to phosphate and sodium excretion, and variation from an average Western diet will move the urine calcium line up or down as ...
The course of phosphorus excretion in growing pigs fed continuously increasing phosphorus concentrations after a phosphorus depletion. Arch.
Effects of dietary-reduced nitrogen N and phosphorus P ... - TiHo eLib
To investigate the influence of N- and P-reduced diets on chemical body composition of barrows and to update current used data basis, 8 barrows ...
Influences of dietary-reduced nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) on ...
Essayez avec l'orthographe
Interfaces in Cementitious Composites
Consider a semi-infinite free crack lying along an interface between two homogeneous isotropic half planes, with material 1 above and material 2 below (see ...
... fully described, including the measurements made (for example, crack width and crack length). Common damages observed on masonry structures.