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Évaluation de la parole dysarthrique: Apport du traitement ...

La définition de la dysarthrie a bien évolué au cours du temps. ... 2.7 Les 8 clusters dysarthriques de Darley (Darley et al., 1969b).


Le Point de non-retour - Rekonstruktionsversuche der zerfallenden ...
a. [Investitionsrechnung] Annuität (Gleichbleibende Gesamtsumme aus Zins und Tilgung eines Kredites oder Darlehens. Der Tilgungsanteil nimmt über die Zeit ...
9782804167011.pdf - Furet du Nord
The current pandemic has set off a harsh trajectory of events, which continue to shed light on a global health crisis that is widening.
recherche technique charbon - Archive of European Integration
expliquer la formation de certains composés observés au cours de nos craquages. L'hydrogène favorise dans les deux cas la seconde scission primaire. - 61 ...
Lexikon Waldschädigende Luftverunreinigungen und Klimawandel
Abbau degradation, dismant- ling, catabolism, de- composition. Abbaubarkeit degradibility. Abbaurate (Abbaugrad) rate (degree) of deg- radation, degradation.
The Legend User Manual_FR Software V1.11 - Nokta Detectors
Les champs peuvent contenir des déchets ferreux et du coke. Pour détecter plus facilement les pièces et les reliques parmi ces déchets, la discrimination par ...
mortgage hypothécaire - CornerStone Dynamics
The Sub-Saharan Africa Transport Policy Program (SSATP was created to improve transport sector performance by promoting policy reforms and institutional changes ...
PROCEEDINGS ACTES OFFICIELS - Archive of European Integration
[English]. The Standing Senate Committee on Transport and. Communications met this day at 6:50 p.m., in room 2, Victoria. Building, the deputy chair, ...
Sub-Saharan Africa Transport Policy Program - World Bank Document
La Partie II de la Gazette du Canada est le recueil des « règlements » définis comme tels dans la loi précitée et de certaines autres ...
Transport and Communications - Senate of Canada
Privatization, consisting of the sale of state-owned firms or assets to private agents, implies an outright transfer of ownership.
Canada Gazette, Part II
President. ? Tomorrow this Parliament will vote against the persecution of sexual minorities in Chechnya. I call on the.
?The Impact of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in Infrastructure ...
(c) Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, first report c) Territoire sous tutelle des iles du Pacifique, premier rapport.
Sans titre
offers special terms to anyone purchasing a complete set of the judgments and decisions and also arranges for their distribution,.