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This thesis examines one of the most controversial issues in the modem governance of marine living resources, namely the regulation of cetaceans (whales, ...


International Law and the Regulation of Cetaceans - -ORCA
Ottaviani, D. 2020. Valuation of marine and estuarine coastal ecosystem services in the Canary Current large marine ecosystem region / Évaluation des services ...
Dissertation - OceanRep
The deep sea (> 200 m) not only represents the largest habitat on earth, but also has the highest faunal biomasses and greatest number of ...
Offshore Killer Whales in Canadian Pacific Waters
Eastern temperate North Pacific offshore killer whales (Orcinus orca): occurrence, movements, and insights into feeding ecology. Mar. Mamm. Sci 24: 719-729.
Marine Ecology Progress Series 577:205
Indeed, false killer whales resident to the main Hawaiian Islands have been observed engaging in cooperative hunt- ing and prey sharing (Baird et al. 2008).
Across Species and Cultures - Whales, Humans, and Pacific Worlds
back whales were already ?economically extinct? in New Zealand waters.29 The hunting of all whales in New Zealand waters was made illegal in 1978 by the ...
Clause de non-responsabilité : Ce document, rédigé à l'origine en anglais, a été traduit automatiquement à l'aide d'un outil en ligne.
Fisheries Centre Research Reports
NEW ZEALAND ... Ecosystem simulation modeling is a new science and its present state can be compared to meteorology in the 1950s ? you certainly appreciate ...
12, Issue - IDPA

Résolutions adoptées à la 101e Conférence Annuelle
PRÉVENTION DES ERREURS JUDICIAIRES présentée par : le Comité de modification des lois. ATTENDU QU' il est reconnu que toute condamnation injustifiée d'une ...
Treaty Series Recueil des Traites
No. 2340. United States of America and Paraguay: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement extending for two years the.
American Handgunner May/June 1980
offers special terms to anyone purchasing a complete set of the judgments and decisions and also arranges for their distribution,.
FS2 Conversion Codex - Atlas Games
The snubnose .38 drought continues un- abated. Colt says they're running more. Colt Detective Specials, and will produce more yet in 1980. S&W says the ...