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Competition Policy and Intellectual Property Rights | OECD iLibrary

Services which are subject to various forms of regulation often compete with other substitute services which are subject to different regulatory controls.


Scanned Document - Revue Assurances et gestion des risques
Avec la permission du Bureau des Traductions du Secrétariat d'État, nous reproduisons ici l'excellent bulletin de terminologie, préparé à Ottawa par Mlle.
Las Cruces Bulletin - Creative Circle Media Solutions
52 small The Original® sandwiches; ONE sandwich each week for 1 year commencing on September 26, 2013 and expiring on September 26, 2014 ...
SPRING HERALD - Texas Tech University
Schlotzsky's, Pizza Hut,. Blockbuster and our ... Kohl, retired pastor of St. Paul Lutheran Church ... sandwich, potato rounds, pork & beans, mixed ...
Unitas gears for July pump
He was a retired Army lieutenant, who served in the Army Air Forces in WW n. The Corps also is represented on the. CDI board by Frank Hower Jr., a director ...
NewAvalon Center lands restaurant - Lincoln County Archives ?
Schlotzsky's Deli ? 2812 Sudderth. ? 257-7811 ? Open 10:30 a.m. ... erans, retired and active duty, encouraged to attend. Ed. Summerall ...
Panel weighs academic freedom issues
All-time favorite sitcom: ?House.? Best fast food: Schlotzsky's. If ... and was retired in the fall of. 1977, being replaced by a model.
Sol Spin stirs new excitement at Knott's - Amusement Today
Can This Sandwich Be Saved? John Wooley and the battle to bring. Schlotzsky's ... retired farmer and rancher from Rosebud, said he came to ...
pdf - The Austin Chronicle
The tailgate party included music. by Rebel Heart and food from. Schlotzsky's, Henry's Diner and. China Garden, as well as booths from.
Busines - Nevada Business Magazine
Mall, Lewis Homes, Schlotzsky's Sandwiches,. Mom's Take'n Bake Pizza, Sight ... along with Frank Sale, retired realtor, who is presently chairman of the board.
Le game design de jeux vidéo: une approche communicationnelle ...
Cet article questionne d'un point de vue info-communicationnel la nostalgie dans des productions médiatiques relatant du passé du jeu vidéo. L'approche de.
expositions muséales, rétro-marketing, et vidéos amateurs
Ces premiers jeux vidéo ont été massivement produits en bornes d'arcades dans des salles dédiées, où les joueurs se retrouvaient pour faire ...
Le chemin vers le jeu vidéo expérimental, une esthétique ... - DUMAS
En 2019, le Liège Game Lab lance un cours en ligne consacré à l'Intro- duction à la culture vidéoludique. En partenariat avec l'UNIL GameLab ...