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(Teil von CPC 8868). 1) 2. Wartung und Instandsetzung von. Eisenbahnausrüstungen. (Teil von CPC 8868). Für die Arten der Erbringung 1 und 2: HU: Ungebunden für ...


Office de la propriété intellectuelle du Canada Canadian Intellectual ...
The second section, of a more theoretical nature, will call upon a number of translation studies-related principles to analyze English-language literature's ...
Les appellations d'origine Appellations of origin Las ... - WIPO
Traduction de l'appellation / Translation of the appellation/ Traducción de la denominacion. Anglais / English / Inglés: OHRID PEARL. Produit ...
Adaptation de Staphylococcus xylosus à la matrice carnée, impact ...
Au cours de la maturation du saucisson, la fraction protéique est ... micrococci and staphylococci isolated from soppressata molisana, a Southern ...
tradition et continuité dans la presse écrite
La recherche sur les idéologies linguistiques a connu un développement considérable au cours des dernières décennies. Depuis les années 1970 et 1980, ...
Soppressata di Calabria. Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) IT. Soprèssa Vicentina. Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) IT. Speck dell'Alto ...
A Pragmatic Approach to the Link to Origin - Maastricht University
... translation into English, made it possible to expand the scope of the research encompassing all the products listed in the EU Register ...
Italy's tourist image in the United States - CBS Research Portal
Nowadays the management of countries' images (with the aim of developing strong and positive perceptions) is an important tool that governments have to ...
Cm 8943 FCO Treaty Georgia Vol II - GOV.UK
Soppressata di Calabria ?????????? ?? ????????. Meat ... English version. The exporter of the products covered by this document ...
Les appellations d'origine Appellations of origin Las ... - WIPO
Traduction de l'appellation / Translation of the appellation / Traducción de la denominación. Anglais / English / Inglés: designs carved in wood of Abadeh.
Prayers for peace, hope and healing - Archdiocese of Newark
NEW YORK (CNS)?Pope Benedict XVI urged the Catholic Church in the United States to move past divisions and scandal toward a. ?new sense of unity and purpose.?.
In prayer, the Pope says, we discover how much we are loved by God, and this discovery gives us the hope and courage to live each day, so. Page ...
Healing Your Family - Grand Catholic
1. Practice virtues that oppose the patterns. For example, pray the Act of Hope whenever you ?hold on? to fear. Trust in the Lord and have confidence in Him.