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and works in these categories, not ordinarily reviewed: reprints, new editions not substantially revised, offprints and pamphlets, publications of which no.


biblioteca di studi di filologia moderna - OAPEN Library
... cours princières, les écrivains, les artistes sont parmi les grands hommes qui proposent une nouvelle grandeur, in- dépendante de la caution religieuse et ...
The Music Manuscript 2216 in the Bologna University library - DIAMM
The Music Manuscript 2216 in the Bologna. University library: The copying and context of a fifteenth-century choirbook. A thesis submitted to The University of ...
Musikalische Schrift und Gender - Praktiken - Diskurse - Perspektiven
Dieses Werk ist lizenziert unter der Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-. ShareAlike 4.0 Lizenz (BY-NC-SA).Diese Lizenz erlaubt unter Voraussetzung ...
Musicians' Mobilities and Music Migrations in Early Modern Europe
The Mainzer Historische Kulturwissenschaften [Mainz Historical Cultural. Sciences] series publishes the results of research that develops ...
WHAT A WONDERFUL FEELING - Manchester Historical Society
MlgW (rmperaluri's in the iiyld or low 70s ... military training. ~. ?. A reception for the visitors will ... TECHNICIAN. Monsanto Company tes opanmg m tht ...
r-They eqrii if Carter, Kennedy in decontrol spat
relay technician. a position he held at the time or his death. Brother Andre~'s was elected financial secretary or local 1307 in 1970. lie ...
1977-03 March IBEW Journal.pdf
Technical Training Association. 898-3676. &e& at $8,500. 892-3673. 892- FORD in our Kid's Korner Program. Join us on Wednesday nights 7:OO - 8 ...
G.B.A. chip facility pull out after heated 1 public meeting i Index
technical-training cou r~es to be offered. 10 slUdents. Local unIOn ... Ihe MLGW/. IBEW 1288 Program was the No. I program Lifeblood twd ...
Needed - IBEW
to initiate, encourage, support and coordinate research aimed at improving the production of bananas and plantains, to encourage the exchange of information and ...
Pit, Below-Grade Tank, or Proposed Alternative Method Permit or ...
Cleaning of the sampling equipment was the responsibility of the environmental technician. Prior to use, and between each sample, the sampling equipment was ...
Research in VocationaLEducatcon.` EDRS PRICE DESCRIPTORS
The State Technical Institute at Memphis shares its courses, curriculum materials, and expertise with area vocational-technical schools in the state so they ...
L'horlogerie contemporaine à l'Exposition de La Chaux-de-Fonds
La Chaux-de-Fonds, le 9 septembre 1932. _ C'est le 2 mai, dans une séance de consulta- tion tenue au Buff et de la gare, qu'un certain.