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Openness in the music business? How record labels and artists may ...

More often than one might expect, basic issues concerning music rights are unknown territory for producers of music works, film composers and musicians.


Abstract: Jamendo is a website for the legal, free downloading of music. This platform of ?free? online music, the biggest in the world, ...
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Group Products Catalog - NIDEC CORPORATION
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Group Products Catalog - Elinco International JPC
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Group Products Catalog - NIDEC CORPORATION
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Student Workbook - Bharat Skills
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Secondary Additional Mathematics 4 Student's Book
This course book provides a fun and practical approach to the subject of mathematics, and at the same time imparting life long skills to the pupils. The book ...
Catalogue 2O2I Learn, share, inspire. mm publications - Aceia
Our books and materials explicitly demonstrate how English is used in real-life situations. They enable learners to communicate with people from different ...
B1 Chapter 4.indd - Stanley Publishing
Throughout this book you will follow 4 students as they discuss topics relevant to each chapter. These students live in the Milwaukee ...
Multitrack Recording Console - Tascam
i Baissez le volume du système audio connecté à l'unité avant d'allumer ou d'éteindre l'unité. i Ne portez pas de casque connecté à l'unité quand vous la ...