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WHALES GET BEACHED, DON'T THEY? An essay on the law and ...
battles between the giants of music industry and Napster raised the latter into the category of ?the free music hero? or even ?the free music martyr?. Some ...
Review of the EU Copyright Framework - European Parliament
Why not make copyrighted works royalty-free? And if so, how can creators' compensation be assured? Recent debates and projects of reforms. Four ...
From the DMCA to the DSA - Verfassungsblog
L'Internet nous réserve encore bien des surprises? Que d'évolutions pour les générations qui ont grandi sans le haut débit et la technologie Wi-Fi !
L'accès aux dispositifs de neutralisation des ?uvres verrouillées
Why not make copyrighted works royalty-free? And if so, how can creators' compensation be ensured? Recent debates and projects of reforms. A recent US Copyright ...
Rheumatoid Arthritis And Fingernails (book)
Habituellement, les ongles des mains sont plus touchés que ceux des orteils et l'apparition se fait sur une période variable. Les altérations unguéales peuvent ...
Ongle- Quoi de neuf ? n°5 - Pierre Fabre Dermatologie
A diagnosis of white superficial onychomycosis (WSO) due to Aspergillus can- didus was made and we prescribed topical amorolfine nail laquer to be applied twice ...
'Deep' white superficial onychomycosis due to molds - Amazon S3
Horizontal ridges are more likely to signal a problem. Beau's lines are a condition characterised by indentations across the nail bed and is a sign of disrupted ...
Manicure, Pedicure and Mehendi - NCERT
This area, by contrast to the matrix has a firm attachment to the nail plate and nail avulsion produces a denudation of the nail bed. Colourless, but ...
Nail biology and nail science - Taste of Vienna
This patient had green nail syndrome (GNS), an infection of the nail bed caused by. Pseudomonas aeruginosa. These bacteria produce pyocyanin, a blue-green ...
Ongle- Quoi de neuf - Pierre Fabre Dermatologie
Le rôle d'une antibiothérapie prophylactique est destiné à prévenir l' infection d'une valve anormale au cours d' interventions s'accompagnant d'une bactériémie ...
What's new ? n°7 - European Nail Society
The yellow nail syndrome (ynS) is a rare disorder characterized by the triad: yellow nails, respiratory problems and lymphedema.1,2. Dermatologic signs.
Pediatric Nail Disorders | somepomed
This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. While all reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and ...