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It is the modern sporting rifle used for hunting and target shooting in most of the world. It is the rifle used in Domin- ion of Canada Rifle ...
Guns Magazine 2012-01.pdf - Kyiv.Heritage.Guide
30-06-sized cases is the Winchester. Large Rifle, probably the hottest of the standard primers. Occasionally, a match or benchrest primer makes a noticeable ...
308. Winchester; long-action guns for .25-06 to .375 H&H Magnum. A Talon Safari. Super Magnum rifle has been chambered for cartridges as powerful as .416.
No. 19-55376 - Michel & Associates, P.C.
Winchester Gun Museum, and is the sort of provenance that collectors value greatly. ... Winchester Model 1873 Rifle. Model 1873 Rifle. Made c.1873-1919 ...
Silent Auction - AMOSKEAG
The Silent Auction is by absentee bidding only. Absentee bidders must register by filling out and signing an absentee bid sheet.
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2017/7/19. J-POP. ??????. #5 ?CD+DVD??????????. AICL-3479 CD. 2018/2/14. J-POP. ??????. #5?????. AICL-3481 CD.
~ FIREARMS LO REGlTLATION - Office of Justice Programs
The publication contains. Federal firearms laws and regulations, and State laws and published local ordinances deemed rel- evant to enforcement of Federal ~ ...
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???(????????????????:??1). ???. 2013.9. 9784062186582. 10902572 778.77/A 46/14-1. ?????(????????????????:??2).
The Type 81 LMG is an infantry support version of the Type 81 rifle family. Chambered in the same. 7.62x39, the rifle was designed with a number of.
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??ID. ??. ????. ??. ???. ????. ISBN. 030467. ?????(??)????????650. ????????? ?.
GUNS Magazine May 1970
New View-Meter model detects objects on the fringe of detect- able depths, means more sensitivity. MODEL $J995. ONLY. POSTPAID. ORDER NOW FOR ...
2 0 1 9 ? 2 0 - ?????????????? - Keio University
2019 ????. ??. ??????????. ???????????????????? ???????????????.