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Linguistique et Langues Africaines - Éditions Lambert-Lucas

Similarly, the average number of syllables per word in Casamance creole is calculated to be 1,67 for various texts (p. 356), which is slightly greater than that ...


A Brief Study of Pidgins and Creoles - IJRTI
Abstract: This article explores about the earlier misconceptions about the Pidgin and Creole languages and what actually a. Pidgin or a Creole is and also ...
'Abstract Objects' in Creole Languages: A Study on Guadeloupean ...
The examples in 1 and 2 show that the noun diri, mean- ing 'rice' in Mauritian Creole, lexically derives from the partitive French noun phrase du + riz, as well ...
Pro as a Minimal NP - lingbuzz
It is found in a range of creole languages, such as Cape Verdean Creole (CVC), as illustrated below: ... Handbook of Comparative Syntax, ed.
les apontamentos de antónio de paula brito (1887) ou la naissance ...
The Syntax of Cape Verdean Creole: The Sotavento Varieties,. Amsterdam/Philadelphie, John Benjamins. Barbe, André (2002). Les îles du Cap-Vert, Paris, L' ...
UvA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository)
2002. The syntax of Cape Verdean Creole: The Sotavento verieties. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. ______. 2003. Inflectional plural marking in creoles and ...
how exactly creoles came about: which linguistic processes have led to creole formation ... The syntax of Cape Verdean Creole: The Sotavento verieties. Amsterdam: ...
Contacts de créoles, créoles en contact - Horizon IRD
The Syntax of Cape Verdean Creole. The Sotavento Varieties. Marlyse Baptista. John Benjamins, Amsterdam. par Sibylle Kriegel. The Syntax ofCape Verdean Creole.
African Languages and Linguistics - HAL-SHS
BAPTISTA, Marlyse (2002) The Syntax of Cape Verdean Creole. The ... Influence in Creole Formation (special issue of Journal of Pidgin and Creole.
études créoles - culture, langue, société
The Syntax of Cape Verdean Creole. The Sotavento Varieties. Marlyse Baptista ... Creole formation and Second Language. Acquisition. Publication en ligne ...
Copyright Undertaking - PolyU Electronic Theses
Numerous investigations over the years have illustrated the importance of physical methods, especially magnetic resonance, in.
The INSTITUTE OF TERRESTRIAL ECOLOGY (ITE) is one of 15 component and grant-aided research organizations within the NATURAL ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH COUNCIL.
Ce document est le fruit d'un long travail approuvé par le jury de ...
CHAPITRE II. EFFETS DE L'IRRADIATION SUR LES IGBTs. 1. fntroduction ....,,.......-...22. 2 Les etfets induits par I'inadiation sur les dlspositifs ...