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Diplômée en Permaculture Appliquée de l'Académie Allemande, elle enseigne la permaculture en anglais, allemand et français depuis 2009.


Summer Term 1 - Training Programme - Lancashire County Council
Burnley Football Club. Monday 24 June 2024. 1:15pm ? 3:45pm. Brockholes Nature Reserve, Preston. £99. Year 2 Making and Moderating Judgements to Support End of ...
lancashire - Burnley Council
Cour. SP. OKC. 318-76. Mill Bro. La. SP. Spring. 8.P. Spring. 300-. 250. Sewage Works. (Clayton le Moors & Great Harwood. Joint Sewage Board). Hyndburn.
Adult Course Guide | Nelson & Colne College
Our FREE ICT courses will help you develop skills for home, work or if you are looking for employment. VENUE AND DISTRICT. DATE. TIME. Burnley. Pendle.
formation -
Benjamin Burnley. Bernard Joseph formateurs en permaculture humaine. Inscriptions formulaire d'inscription en ligne : PERMASENS contact
String Theory - DAMTP
... mass relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277. 10.8 ... Scale dependence of parton distribution ...
An Introductory Course of Particle Physics
Abstract. Even though a physical theory, the Scale Relativity Theory (SRT) means more than physics, as its creator noticed himself. In fact it targets the ...
The Mathematical Principles of the Scale Relativity Physics I. History ...
Ce cours présente une introduction aux applications de la mécanique statistique. `a la théorie de champs, la physique des particules et la ...
Statistical mechanics and stochastic processes - LPTHE
Recent history of neutrinos and men. ? 1930 :predicting the neutrino : observe ?-decay : (A, Z) ? (A, Z + 1) + e?(+¯?). (A,Z) = nucleus of A-Z neutrons, ...
Neutrino Physics - IN2P3 Events Directory (Indico)
In these three lectures a general discussion of composite models for quarks and leptons will be given, emphasizing the theoretical challenges and possible.
Cours/Lecture Series
Of course, the chiral symmetry is only approximate, because the mass ... in particle physics, and we discuss energy scales and mass hierarchies.
The Standard Model of Particle Physics
Introduction. 2. Kinematic Variables. 3. Thermodynamics of the QGP. 3.1 QGP in the MIT Bag Model. 3.2 Lattice Results. 4. Basics of NN and AA Collisions.
Quark-Gluon Plasma Physics - Heidelberg University
We derive neutrino masses from discrete symmetry binary subgroups of SU(2), 2T for the electron family, 2O for the muon family, and 2I for the tau family, ...