UE Culture Numérique - Université de La Réunion
Cours 1. 19 septembre. - Introduction : quand internet change la donne. Cours 2. 26 septembre. - Histoire technique et sociale de l'informatique et de l' ...
CULTURE ET TECHNIQUES DU NUMÉRIQUE - insereco93-Les sujets seront présentés au cours 2 à l'ensemble de la classe. -Dans le cadre du cours 5 (le 8 avril), chaque groupe animera : -Une présentation du sujet de ... Bureautique intensif - Niveau 2 - HES-SO Valais-WallisLa Formation Continue de la HES-SO Valais-Wallis propose un cours intensif de 3 semaines destiné aux assurés n'ayant que peu ou pas de base en informatique ... bureautique-avance.pdf - ima-dz.comFormation Bureautique Avancée. (Word avancé, Excel avancé). Word. 15h. Excel. 15h. Durée Totale. 30h. Word avancé. 1. Rédaction de rapports ou longs documents. Formation bureautique avancé - VilleurbanneFormation Bureautique. WORD - EXCEL - POWERPOINT - OUTLOOK. « » Eligible au CPF. Certification TOSA. Objectif : Maîtriser le pack Office. Public visé ... Component 1 ? Travel and Tourism Organisations and DestinationsYear 10 Topics ? Tech Award Travel & Tourism. In year 10 & 11 we teach the following topics over the course of the year. Each topic develops and deepens the ... 1 Introduction to Travel and Tourism Content Standard(s) and Depth ...Students will: 1. Explain growth and trends of the travel industry. 2. Discuss cultural, environmental, and social factors that impact the travel and ... Unit 1 Investigating the Travel and Tourism SectorThis unit sets the scene for investigating the travel and tourism sector in the UK and internationally. Students study the different component industries ... Unit 1 - The World of Travel and Tourism - Pearson qualificationsYou do not need any other materials. Sample assessment material for first teaching September 2017. Time: 1 hour 30 minutes. Travel and Tourism. Unit ... Unit 1: The Travel and Tourism Industry - Pearson qualificationsThis mandatory unit gives you the opportunity to start your learners on a journey exploring the industry of travel and tourism. Unit 1: The travel & tourism industry - Resources for SchoolsDefinitions ??????????????????.. 1. 2. Who are tourists? ???????????????? 2. 3. What is the travel and tourism industry ??????.. 3. Unit 1 Travel and Tourism - The Oakwood AcademyKnow the differences between types of tourism. ? Domestic tourism: definition ? taking holidays and trips in your own country. ? Outbound tourism: definition ... Unit 1 ? The World of Travel and TourismTourism and Learning Aim A: A1/A2. Types of Travel and Tourism. LO1: To investigate the BTEC Travel and Tourism course. LO2: To define the keyword: tourism. LO3 ...