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AGREEMENT - BC Ferry & Marine Workers' Union

TABLE OF CONTENTS. PREAMBLE AND DEFINITIONS *. Article 1. 1.01 - Purpose of Agreement. 1.02 - Definitions *. 1.03 - Future Legislation.


In all CTP 1 dose groups, the frequency of ulcerative dermatitis was ... Official Journal of the European Union, L 353-1-L 353/1355. EC/HC (1994). Canadian ...
eo0 El¥ins - Atlantic County Library System
A new species of Mabuya lizard from the isolated Caribbean island of San Andres is described. This species is closely related to Mabuya ...
Agricultural College 1 - Iowa Publications Online
Of course it is all for. Hammonton?of course ! This town has increased under ... Ixitlmr mi-, but 1 huvo nil inuro porpltislty itlioiil llii'in, for 1 uny In ...
thie role of prisons in society hearings - Office of Justice Programs
... 1 with far lel!i expon~:~o at home. Nearly all the young' men who sel'k. 1. 1 admission to the Iowa Agricultural UollPgc bring with them a com- l. ' pletLJ ...
South African Journal - Forgotten Books
First of all, one of the dilemmas and one of the reasons it's going to ... 1, 731 Yes ?? _ ??? __ -- No. 17. a. 96 Yes ?? _____ ?? _ Yes. 17.5 ...
that I have at any rate endeavoured at all times to promote the interest in our Society to the best of my ability. I hope that next year will be a more ...
Advanced Radar Systems - DTIC
I ask the same thing of the press of all nations--to fore o the editorlnl.s ... One word more about the prlce situation 1 Fortunately, all gossip.
42173-013: Dhaka Environmentally Sustainable Water Supply Project
Primary Structures: refers to all residential and commercial structures. Secondary structures: (fences and walls, tube-wells, poultry and cattle shed, concrete ...
Database Tutorial 3: Relational Algebra and SQL
(a) (4 points) Write a relational algebra expression that finds the employee identifier, name and total monthly salary of all employees (recall ...
Page 1. he Union anii flirn. TKR.MS-i: ? year.?or. It.50 |Mld wlibln ». 3 ???Ik* lta« tiacMbKrikiii|. |. Eternal Hostility to every form of Oppression over ...
Ellsworth American : July 30, 1874 - CORE
All such insurance shall: (1) be acceptable in form ... by Landlord and shall all be union labor in compliance with the then existing master labor agreements.
1 1 ?All publz power IS exercised under the wntten laws?. Even if the power of the leglslatlon Itself IS legltlmlzed wtth help from the Ideology of. ?the ...