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We are also thankful to all those who contributed to this study by responding to the perception survey undertaken to assess competition related issues in the ...
TERI Report No 2005RP30 - Competition Commission of IndiaOn October 5, 1996, the Department of Agriculture proposes to repeal the above stated rule in its entirety and replace it with the following: 2. The proposed ... RESERVE MONTANA ADMINISTRATIVE REGISTER... all cases the SLTG-parser computes fewer than 16 readings per sen- tence. 5.1. Experiments. We trained the HPSG-system on a corpus of 2000 English sentences ... ALPHALOGIC INDUSTRIES LIMITED - BSERISKS IN RELATION TO THE FIRST ISSUE ? The face value of the Equity Shares is ?10/- each. The Issue Price of ?96/- per equity. NAVODAY ENTERPRISES LIMITED - BSEif realised in the ordinary course of business and the provisions of all known liabilities are adequate. 3. Balances of Sundry Debtors ... integrated-annual-report-fy-2021-22-(1).pdf - Tata ChemicalsWe have based our annual report on the principles of Integrated Reporting <IR>, a global benchmark for best practices in corporate reporting ... Towards a Single and Innovative European Transport SystemThe Consumers Union says that having EDRs in all cars is an important step toward improving auto safety. But it also says that car owners ... fcgkj lq/kkjkRed ç'kklfud laLFkku]xrFU Minis-!ry'bf î¡Añsporr - Commission of Inquiry Bermuda96 Gary S. Becker - can be96, mfucrn:-# 1-lcfil~ld - India Codecours Annual Report 2005-2006 - India PostTermes manquants : ----- Al ect'O)'t - India Post[UNION [ALL|DISTINCT] select] [)] ... Wirkung. Der Zusatz UNION vereinigt die Ergebnismengen zweier SELECT-Anweisungen. Die Zeilen der Ergebnismenge der SELECT ...