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Southern California Power Authority (SCPPA), to authorize LADWP to purchase 102 megawatts of renewable energy from SCPPA for a 20-year period beginning June 1, ...


~te.~~ - LA City Clerk - City of Los Angeles
Applicants should be sure to bring an adequate supply of curricula vitarum-- enough to submit one copy each to inter- viewers. The Center will have no duplica-.
'The East Grand Forks General Reevaluation is a study of flood problems at East Grand. Forks, Minnesota. This report brings together engineering, economic, ...
General Reevaluation Supporting Documentation for Flood Control ...
Simple Heuristics That Make Us Smart. Gerd Gigerenzer, Peter Todd, and the ABC Research Group. Natural Selection and Social Theory: Selected Papers.
The purpose of this project was to develop a new methodology to characterize truck body types along. California Freeways. With new information on truck ...
Development of a new methodology to characterize truck body types ...
The first two papers deal with the two state-of-the- art optimization approaches, the third one discusses models and optimizations methods for RNA molecules, ...
Figure 9.1 shows the Fermi-LAT >1 GeV all-sky ?-ray intensity map, highlight- ... International Astronomical Union 53 (1974), pp. 117?131. doi: 10.1017 ...
1 June 4. 1976. Kenneth Wright, Secretary. A message
The fundamental components of a digital spectroheliograph are: 1 - The telescope that projects the solar image onto the slit;. 2 - The slit;. 3 ...
23rd International Conference on Computational ... - LEXiTRON
... All people aged 16-64 years with in- and/or specialised out-patient ... 1 in a subpopulation of MS patients and one for genetic determinants ...
Digital Spectroheliography -
It is a central forum for the communication of recent developments and comprises research monographs, textbooks and edited volumes on all topics related to the ...
Download - UvA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository)
Introduction: In 2016 and 2017, new diagnostic criteria were proposed for the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (MS) prompt- ing the need to investigate their ...
ECTRIMS 2022 ? Poster - ORBi
Introduction: Autoimmune screening panel (ASP) is routinely ordered as a part of diagnostic work-up in people with suspected multiple sclerosis (MS).
23rd International Conference on Computational ... - ACL Anthology
You will find in this volume papers from the 23rd International Conference on Computational. Linguistics (COLING 2010) held in Beijing, ...