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Narratives of Migration and Development as Discourses in ... - Opus4

Diese Dissertation untersucht, wie Migrations- und Entwicklungsnarrative in transnationalen digitalen Migrantenmedien (re).


Shocks and spillovers in the global environment - CORE
Côte d'Ivoire. 1. 11. 53. Mexico. 59. 505. 146. Bangladesh. 3. 54. Ukraine. 147. Tanzania. 6. 60. 57. Colombia. 25. 357. 148. Haiti. 1. 14. 58. Thailand. 4. 25.
Promotio Justitiae - Jesuits Global
Christian fulfilment, the second coming of Christ, lies ahead. This means that we had better incorporate the insights of evolutionary studies into our Christian ...
exchanges échanges intercambios scambi - Jesuits Global
d. An outline of ways in which the Presidents engage with Father General in discerning and animating the universal mission of the Society ...
Documents of General Congregation 36 of the Society of Jesus
... Côte d'Ivoire to last until. 16 April 2015. 2015. Feb. 16. By this time, more than 800 African Union health workers have participated in the ...
Evaluation of the USAID/OFDA Ebola Virus Disease Outbreak ...
... D. METHODOLOGY & LIMITATIONS n D?3. Evaluation Key. Question. Data Collection. Methods. Data Sources. Locations and. Sampling/Selection. Data ...
Evaluation of the USAID/OFDA Ebola Virus Disease Outbreak ...
Lemma 2 Let A be an arithmetic progression of positive integers and difference d. If there exist a, b, c ? A such that a ? b ? c (mod d) then.
Revue internationale, parait trimestriellement, publie les travaux les plus récents des mathématiciens de tous les pays. Tarif d'abonnement 1971 ...
L'étude du district de Mana démontre une histoire métallogénique et tectonique polyphasée qui a permis de produire des gisements aurifères économiques. De ...
Les carbones amorphes hydrogenes: observations ... - HAL Thèses
Au cours des prochaines années, je m'intéresserai aussi à d ... larisation s est perpendiculaire au plan d'observation, la polarisation p est dans ce plan :.
Étude des processus d'altération aqueuse et de - HAL Thèses
presentee par: LAMARRE Jean-Michel en vue de l'obtention des diplomes de: Philosophiae Doctor et Docteur en Sciences a ete dument acceptee par le jury d'examen ...
Proprietes optiques lineaires et non-lineaires de nanocomposites ...
... D., Observation of a striking departure from velocity proportionality in low- energy electronic stopping, Phys. Rev. Lel/. 66,1831 (1990). 19 ...
Les carbones amorphes hydrogénés -
A common misconception is that the irradiation of solids with energetic electrons and ions has exclusively detrimental effects on the properties of target ...