MEETING HANDBOOK LINGUISTIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA We hope this Meeting Handbook is a useful guide for those attending, as well as a permanent record of the 1999 Annual Meeting in Los Angeles and ...
riNG HANDBOOK GUISTIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA In addition, the LSA wishes to express sincere gratitude to the CAL for i in publishing the meeting handbook, and in offering its quarters for meetings o.
Style Sheet - Universität des Saarlandes A Job Placement Center will be set up in. Pacific J Room during the Annual Meeting. On 28 and 29 December the Center will be open from 8:30 AM to 6:00 PM.
The Handbook of Discourse Analysis - AvasShop Joos the promised report on a 'Handbook' to consist o and handouts for all papers scheduled at the Annual Meeting. The 'Handbook printed by ...
The Handbook of Discourse Analysis It is important for the reader of this document to know how it came to be written and what function it is intended to serve. In the early 1970s, when the ...