Thoracic outlet syndrome is the result of compression or irritation of neurovascular bundles as they pass from the lower cervical spine into the arm, ... 
Pain in Parkinson's disease. A look at a poorly known aspect of this ...And yet there can be little doubt that all the sympathetic pains we meet with are susceptible of satisfactory explanation, could we only examine them with ... Pain in abdomen and shoulderAs described above, mind-body interventions such as meditation and acupressure have the potential to relieve pain intensity and improve joint ... Thoracic outlet syndrome of pectoralis minor etiology mimicking ...Essayez avec l'orthographe EU Law as Private International Law? - Universität BremenFor systems-theoretical concepts of a global legal system, see MATHIAS ALBERT, ZUR. POLITIk DER WELTGESELLSCHAFT: IDENTITäT UND RECHT IM KONTEXT ... REGIME-COLLISIONS: THE VAIN SEARCH FOR LEGAL UNITY IN ...A similar principle has been developed for dealing with discrepancies between international law and domestic law, namely the principle of the ... The refinement of international law: From fragmentation to regime ...The neighbouring areas of legal science which also deal with foreign law, and from which comparative law must be distinguished, are private inter- national law, ... zweigert-and-kotz.pdf - Pierre LegrandDetecting divergences in the applications of the law (where the same legal text is applied differently by two rulings) is an important task. It ... Automatic Analysis of France's Court of Cassation RulingsThis thesis endeavors to revisit the role and meaning of law in the 21st century, by holding firmly to the stand that: despite its urge to keep pace with the ... Les opinions séparées et leurs répercussions sur l'indépendance du ...What are the common points and discrepancies between the ordinary concepts and their counterparts in the law? Are legal expert judgments more reliable than ... C - HelmhausIn de archieven van de hertogen van Bourgondië zijn de namen van een vijftiental tot nu toe nog onbekende apothekers uit de Lage Landen aangetroffen uit de ... Jlpothek§rs in cfe Lage Landen, ge6oek.§taaft in cfe archieven van cfeCours-Bericht der beeidigten Hannoverschen Geld,. Fonds- und Wechselmakler. Hannover, 19, August 1955,. Deutsche Fonds. Deutsche Reichsanleihe ... Hannoverscher Kurier - Digitale SammlungenSon cours étonne l'univers \. Ampbitrite lui porte envie5. Il disparaît au ... f\TAAft i3. Que ton imprudence amoureuse. Dès le soir va finir ton sort 5.