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Treaty Series Recueil des Traites

strong compassionate grounds for being relieved of his obligatigns to complete a full tour of duty, the service of that individual with the British ...


Federal Courts Reports | Recueil des décisions des Cours fédérales
Les éléments rédactionnels suivants du Recueil des décisions des Cours fédérales sont protégés par le droit d'auteur de la.
Refugee Law and Policy in Selected Countries - Library of Congress
This report describes the law and policy on refugees and other asylum seekers in twenty-two geographically dispersed countries and, ...
They are the product of national protection policies and encompass a variety of situations, such as environmental disasters and armed conflicts.
UNHCR Manual on the Case Law of the European Regional Courts
This manual is a thematic guide to the case law of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) and of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) that ...
Articles 11, 14, 16 and 19 Qualification Directive (2011/95/EU)
In addition, the person concerned may be able to rely on grounds of protection under national law. ... discretion on humanitarian or compassionate grounds (162).
Murramarang Beachfront - NRMA Parks and Resorts
Sydney Surrounds South - South Coast NSW is a gourmet delight renowned for its pristine coastline, stunning national parks and abundant fresh produce.
Wellbeing Retreats for Emergency Responders
Each retreat is staffed by paid workers and volunteers who are first responder peers, and mental health clinicians and chaplains that are specifically trained ...
Australian luxury - Spicers Retreats
With six stunning destinations in south-east Queensland, two in the Hunter Valley, NSW, one in the Blue Mountains, NSW, and one in the Sydney CBD, each Spicers ...
Abstract Art, Yoga and Mindfulness - Indigo Retreat
4 morning yoga sessions (Tuesday-Friday). ? 4 mindfulness sessions (Monday-Thursday). ? Wholefood cooking class. ? Delicious locally sourced ...
Your 'Haven of Life', Where Healing Begins. - Chiva-Som
Our retreat stays are based on six modalities of wellness ? Spa, Holistic. Health, Fitness, Physiotherapy, Aesthetic Beauty and Nutrition ? with.
Politechnika Warszawska Warsaw University of Technology https ...
... restaurant, executing commands, taking an appointment), a major issue concerns their capacity to adapt to different conversational situations Particularly, ...
Guide pour la mise en place de l'action antitabac - IRIS
Au cours de manifestations importantes comme le lancement d'un programme, il est conseillé d'investir dans un jeu de documents destinés aux médias, donnant ...