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Existentialism Chinese Title: ????Course Outline ????
... ?????????????????????????????(Zizek,. 2002? 40, 64-65)????????????. ???????????????????????? ...
Cooperation and Conflict Between Lawyers in Litigation
Most civil cases are settled before trial but not until years of legal wrangling have tied up the courts and run up large fees and expenses. Cases aren't ...
Discovery is not a Game - Federal Trade Commission
Hearings in Commission cases, like judicial proceedings everywhere, should be concerned with matters of substance, not form and only as the rules of discovery.
A Judicial Perspective on what the Court expects from legal ...
Litigation is not a game. It is a costly and stressful, though necessary, evil. 12 In Nowlan Heydon JA said: [26] Fourthly, the conduct ...
litigation privilege should be narrowly construed - Mourant
Litigation privilege relates to communications at the stage when litigation is pending or in contemplation. It is based on the idea that legal ...
1 HH 707-15 HC 11614/12 - ZimLII
Litigation is not a game of wits. It is a serious legal process to solve serious legal disputes. In casu, I could not conceive of any ...
1 HH 125-13 HC 7193/12 Ref Case No. HC 2906/12
... litigation is not like a game of chess. It is not a game where one party makes a conscious and deliberate decision to ambush the other and, as it were ...
[9] There is a plethora of authority that litigation is not a game where the one party takes advantage of the other. It is undesirable for a ...
in the high court of south africa - (gauteng division, pretoria) - SAFLII
[10]. [11]. It is important to remember that litigation is not a game: a court must try to achieve justice, and this can only be done if the dispute between ...
DIKE Verlag AG - ZORA (UZH Repository) - Universität Zürich
The Library of the European Court of Human Rights has a rich collection of material on the European. Convention of Human Rights, ...
Contempt of court: litigation is not a game - Mourant
Essayez avec l'orthographe
Représentation de l'enfant devant le Tribunal fédéral dans le cadre ...
Huber und Georges Scelle im Vergleich / Oliver Diggelmann. 1.114.0. Zürich : Schulthess, 2000. - 281 p. (Schweizer Studien zum internationalen Recht = Études ...