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On Nonconvex Caustics of Convex Billiards

For any small neighborhood fW0 of ? eVu in clos eVu, we may find a vector field eY on clos eVu which is arbitrarily close to eX in the C?-topology, such that ...


Xurui Han - Papyrus - Université de Montréal
Outdoor pool (middle of May - middle of September) 9:00 - 20:00. Closed on the 24. und 25. December, during service work and for some specific other events.
Dynamical zeta functions for billiards
Lemma 3. Wrap a closed inelastic string around ?, pull it tight at a point and move the point around ? to construct the billiard curve ?.
C Familienleben und Freizeit - Stadt Schweinfurt
Ces années de thèse, bien qu'entrecoupées par des périodes de confinement et par des moments passés à faire des mathématiques, ...
Billiards - Penn State
The example is the 'billiard problem' of a point particle moving freely in the region of the plane bounded by a closed curve B (the 'billiard') and being ...
Thèse de doctorat Ergodic properties of low dimensional flows ...
une famille de courbes fermées invariantes par l'application de billard. ... closed curves invariant by the billiard map. ? is said to be locally ...
Regularity and chaos mechanics, illustrated
A family [y] of periodic orbits on zl of length x gives a vector of G O of the same length, any vector of G O corresponds to a family of peri- odic orbits ...
Billiards, Flat Surfaces, and Dynamics on Moduli Spaces
Thus, the arcs of the tiles join together to form a family of disjoint simple curves, which are either closed or bi-infinite. In [1], it was shown that in a ...
Dosimetry methods for fuels, cladding and structural materials ...
It then maximizes the probability of the observed items as compared with that of the unobserved items. Although aligned well with the ranking.
Untitled - United Nations Digital Library System
... Cours des changes. 205. 39 Money supply. 210. 39 ... I7. 18. 18. 12. 18. 14. 9. 9. 8. 8. 8. 8. 10. 7. 7. 7. 6. 12. I 3 ... benchmark years where necessary The ...
General Report of TC 212 Deep Foundations - CFMS
ABSTRACT: This general report is prepared from the selected 62 papers of 18 ICSMGE which are related to the domain of studies for ISSMGE Technical Committee ...
Méthodes de partage d'informations visuelles et inertielles pour la ...
4.2 Benchmark des algorithmes Vins-Mono, ORB-SLAM en version monocu- laire et Vins-Fusion en version stéréo sur les scénarios du jeu de ...
Institutional Repository - Research Portal Dépôt ... - CORE
Le plan du mémoire proprement dit se fonde sur la progressi suivante : après le plan lui-même , nous présentons le ? rcblème et.