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de S du S CIRCULAIRE CSSF 07/307
Provided that the foundation qualifies as a company within the meaning of art. 54 TFEU. Cross-border philanthropy. 21 | Cross-border transfer of seat and/or.
Comparative Highlights of Foundation Laws | Philea
The purpose of the EURES TMS financial support in the present scheme is to contribute to the costs borne by the target groups - candidates and ...
European Social Fund+ (ESF) Implementing guide
The COVID-19 outbreak has affected Member States in a sudden and dramatic manner and will have implications on the implementation of EU programmes.
1. Structural Funds ? horizontal questions -
funds are established if the AIF is a fund of funds, a description of the types of assets in which the AIF may invest, the techniques it may ...
AIFMLAW - Elvinger Hoss Prussen
fund administered by the European Union is used in a targeted manner. This prevents the Commission, the Court or other institutions from entering a.
RAIFLAW - Elvinger Hoss Prussen
(3) Reserved alternative investment funds must have the necessary means to ensure compliance with the conditions laid down in paragraph 1. Art.
Queer Reflections on AI; Uncertain Intelligences; 1 - OAPEN Library
? Introduction to the basic capabilities and limitations of text-generating AI technology. ? Overview of current policies at universities and ...
L'avenir de l'IA générative - Policy Horizons Canada
Alors que ChatGPT a attiré l'attention du monde entier, cette note de prospective met en lumière huit choses essentielles à savoir sur l'IA générative, ...
From Hype to Reality -
It combines approaches that explore how AI technologies can be applied to study art and culture, as well as how arts and humanities-based ...
General Purpose AI Systems in the AI Act: trying to fit a square peg ...
Deepfake generation The likeness of real women is exploited without their consent to create deep fake pornographic photos and videos.57 (real example). No.
Application pornographique. IA/ AI Porn app. Application ou site Internet permettant aux utilisateurs de créer une image dénudée générée par une intelligence.
La visite du bâtonnier dans le cabinet d'un avocat en vertu de son ...
La formation de jugement plénière est présidée par le bâtonnier doyen du conseil de l'ordre et, s'il est empêché, par le plus ancien bâtonnier dans la fonction, ...