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??????i?? - ???????????????????????????? ?????????. ? ??24???????. ???? ... ????????????????? 13p?C7?l, 2012. ? 9? II??14???? ... ?????????The purpose of this study is to contribute to the improvement of instructional methods for practical teaching courses to cultivate physical ... ??????? Department of Endodontics1???????. ? ? ????. ? ? ? ????. ? ? ????. ? ?. ????? ?? ??. ? ? ? ? ????????. genuine redundancy and reasonable redeployment under the fair ...If you believe that the redundancy is not genuine, for example if the position still exists, if you were not redeployed and reasonably could have been, or if ... Termination of Employment: Including Unfair DismissalAs with all unfair dismissal cases, the onus rests on the employer to prove that the dismissal is not unfair. Where an employee is dismissed on grounds of ... An Employee's Guide to Redundancy & Unfair selection for ...Whilst redundancy is a potentially fair reason for dismissal under the law, the dismissal may be unfair unless the redundancy itself is genuine ... Recommendation for Redundancy and Business TransfersIf the redundancy is found not to be genuine, or the redundancy process is found to be unfair, then the redundancy itself may be deemed to be an unfair ... Redundancy - Unite the UnionAn employment tribunal will not look behind the fact of the closure to enquire into the reason, or justification, for such a course of action, which means that ... redundancy and collective consultation ela introduction to ...The court said that if a redundancy selection process is carried out in accordance with a fair procedure, the absence of a right of appeal is not fatal to an ... FROM 'VALID REASON' TO 'GENUINE REDUNDANCY ...By its very nature, in purporting to give protection against the loss of employment, unfair dismissal law lies at the heart of employment protection. Factsheet - Kelly & AssociatesIf a redundancy is not genuine then a business may be exposed to a successful unfair dismissal or adverse action claim. As discussed above, a redundancy is ... Redundancy - Practical issues and tips - CMS LawA dismissal will be unfair if it is not a genuine redundancy or an inadequate procedure is followed. Failure to inform and consult properly can lead to an ...