Glossary of Shipping Terms - Portal
Abbreviation for ?Full Container Load.? FD. Abbreviation for ?Free Discharge ... A transportation arrangement in which truck trailers with their loads are moved ... 
Abbreviations and Terms - :: cog.asCONTAINERIZATION. Shipping systems based on large cargo-carrying containers ranging up to 48 feet long that can be easily interchanged between trucks, trains ... STANDARD ABBREVIATIONS - FDOTabbreviations may be used when deemed more appropriate. Where special abbreviations are used a descriptive tabulation may be necessary in ... Common Abbreviations - DOT.nd.govcurve to spiral. CS cut. C dead load. Dd Ld deflection. Defl deformed. Defm degree. Deg or D or D delineate. Dlnt delineator. Dlntr depression. ABBREVIATIONS - NETTruck/Trailer Mounted Attenuator. ----------------- N -----------------. RCP. Reinforced Concrete Pipe. TN. Ton. N. Standard Penetration Number. Rd. Road or ... DTR Abbreviations & Acronyms - USTransCOMA. A&E. Arms and Explosives. A/DACG. Arrival/Departure Airfield Control Group. AA&E. Arms, Ammunition, and Explosives. MARITIME ABBREVIATIONSHere's a list of commonly used abbreviations only in the maritime industry: A/B: Able bodied seaman, a member of the crew who is able to perform all duties of ... STANDARD ABBREVIATIONS - FDOTThe abbreviations listed are the standard for contract plans production. This list is not all inclusive. Other Department accepted ... Common Shipping Terms and AbbreviationsALL IN:-The total price to move cargo from origin to destination, inclusive of all charges. ALONGSIDE:-A phrase referring to the side of a ship. Goods ... Mundotextil | Catálogo GeneralEn Norvil seguimos creciendo contigo, escuchando lo que necesitas y sugieres, teniendo en cuenta las tendencias más actuales en vestuario corporativo. INFRA-APPAREL - Exhibiting FashionThe Costume Institute of The Metropolitan Museum of Art has one of the finest and most comprehensive collections of costume in the world, dating from the ... EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS - GovInfo Spring 2009 - Harford's HeartAs a Michigan Centennial Farm, the Rhodes farm has been in Gene's family since 1885. The farm has continuously sold pumpkins since 1957 and ...