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The implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on fundamental rights ...
It has generated health concerns as well as an unprecedented social and economic crisis which has particularly hit service industries hard and ...
Accountability and COVID-19
Legislators, government agencies, and institutional funders support communities most affected by COVID-19 and the subsequent economic downturn, including Black ...
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cultural and creative ...
This study considers the consequences of measures aimed at countering the effects of COVID-19, in particular the Temporary Framework for State aid, EU Digital ...
Local Impacts of a Global Crisis: How Washington state nonprofits ...
Systemic risks associated with the COVID-19 pandemic have placed particular stress on communities that exhibit underlying inequities in social ...
Social and Economic Consequences of COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic's impacts have been felt worldwide. The crisis has reshaped social-interaction, jobs, economies, trade, and the ...
COVID-19 gives communities reason to reshape thinking around natural hazards planning. The ongoing pandemic should cause local governments to revisit and rework ...
The impact of COVID-19 on indigenous communities:
Firstly, efforts should be increased to provide indigenous communities with the necessary means of prevention in relation to COVID-19, including preventive ...
COVID-19's Impact on the Human & Social Services Sector | FEMA
As the many stakeholders to the work done in this sector have been in conversation about the impacts of COVID-19 in recent weeks, a growing ...