Tesis doctoral
Según recoge el último informe publicado por la OMS, el uso del cigarrillo electrónico se ha comenzado a asociar con alteraciones del sistema cardiovascular, el. 
Consumo de tabaco y uso de cigarro electrónico en adolescentes y ...El 2.6% de adolescentes y 1.5% de adultos reportaron usar cigarros electrónicos. Conclusión. El tabaquismo continúa siendo un problema de salud ... Consumo del cigarro electrónico en adolescentes y sus ...Se aplicó encuesta a 355 jóvenes adolescentes, teniendo como principales resultados que el 64.2% lo consumen o lo han consumido, el 28.3% lo consume ... TAXING ?BORROW? IN ?BUY/ BORROW/DIE? - NYU Law Reviewcours personal income tax and the taxation of billionaires: is the haig ...Termes manquants : statement 2023 of accounts Annual - Integrated Company Report GIZAt ? 2,271 million, cost of materials was up ? 150 million on the previous year. ... Trade tax previous year. ? 12,450. ? 15,039. ? 1,961,907. Progressive Wealth Taxation - Gabriel ZucmanAll groups of the population pay rates close to the macroeconomic tax rate of 28 per- cent, with a mild progressivity up to the top 0.1 percent and a ... GLOBAL TAX EVASION - EU Tax ObservatoryA strengthened global minimum tax on multinational companies, free of loopholes, would raise an additional $250 billion per year. To give a ... NBER WORKING PAPER SERIES TAXING BILLIONAIRESWe find a sharp increase in tax revenues in the three years after a Forbes billionaire death, totaling $165 million for the average billionaire. In the last ... CLOSE THE STEPPED-UP BASIS LOOPHOLEIn two years, 2007 and 2011, he paid no federal income taxes. Under stepped-up basis rules, after Bezos dies those hundreds of billions of dollars?by then,. Survival of the Richest: How we must tax the super-rich now to fight ...The report explores how, in recent history, taxation of the richest was far higher; how talk of taxing the rich and making billionaires pay ... ProPublica Shows How Little the Wealthiest Pay in TaxesThe IRS records show that the wealthiest can ? perfectly legally ? pay income taxes that are only a tiny fraction of the hundreds of millions, ... T urkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery - TKDCD(i) herhangi bir miyokart segmentinin nedeni aç?klanamayan mak- simum duvar kal?nl???n?n >15 mm olmas? (veya ya?, cinsiyet ve boya göre 2 standart sapmadan (SS) ...