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Plateforme d'orientation et de candidature Campus France Chine
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GPU Performance Modeling and Optimization - TUE Research portal
The GTX 285 and 480 saw similar performance gains?2.6x and 2.2x speedups, respectively. Completely unrolling both inner and outer loops of the convolution ...
How a GPU Works
On the other hand,. NVIDIA's GTX 285 already has a theoretical memory band- width of 159 GB/s, and the upcoming NVIDIA Fermi architec- ture has an even higher ...
ALICE HLT TPC Tracking on GPUs - CERN Indico
If an NVIDIA GTX 285 has a 1.5 GHz clock (for the arithmetic units) ... Shouldn't most of this leverage the high performance part of the system - the GPU?
A Real-Time Multigrid Finite Hexahedra Method for Elasticity ...
What is a GPU? (and why you should care) - UT Computer Science
Termes manquants :
An introduction to GPU programming Overview Motivation ... - People
GTX285. 30. 160 GB/s 1-2 GB. Tesla M1060. 30. 102 GB/s. 4 GB. Lecture 1 ? p. 9/27. Hardware view. Key hardware feature is that the 8 cores in a multiprocessor.
GPU Computing - Numerical Simulation - from Models to Software
Standard Task: Shading of Pixels. The same code fragment for every pixel (?SPMD). Typically a pixel's value is independent on the others'.