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JLS 842 Course Guide
It is available as a free download from the Rocket E-book site. ( Start by running the. RocketLibrarian software ...
Linking to e-Books, Videos, & Journal Articles
Instead of linking, can I upload article PDFs or videos directly into my D2L course? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. We recommend using persistent links instead ...
ebookebook.pdf - Kranz Communications
An ebook turns your invisible expertise into a tangible object you can place in your prospects' hands. Here's what it can accomplish:.
E-book: development and its potentiality - Dialnet
It is an online free service, it is necessary to create an internet account; and E-book created can be downloaded in PDF to be used offline. IBooksAuthor: Free ...
Free e-Books, Free Journal Articles - Home | Home
The full listing of all journal titles indexed can be download as a single PDF file, and there is also a linked directory of 2,500 English-language titles ...
Creating E-Books and E-Journals
Just upload the PDF file to your Website, and give readers a link or simply a file name they can access to download your book. Advantages: This format allows ...
Burgos, escenario de un nuevo tiempo. Las fiestas por la boda de ...
La ciudad de Burgos fue testigo, durante el siglo XVII, de varias visitas reales, destacando, por su significado, tras un contexto de decadencia ...
La realización de esta tesis doctoral ha sido posible gracias a la concesión de una beca predoctoral del Programa de Formación de Personal.