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2021-22 Humanities Undergraduate Stage 2 & 3 Module Handbook

Ce guide des études est conçu pour servir d'outil de référence : il réunit toutes les informations utiles sur le fonctionnement de la ...


Faculté des Humanités - Université de Lille
Waterfield, J. and West, B. (2006). Inclusive Assessment in Higher Education ... folio in eine Veranstaltung ?Selbst- und Kompetenzmanagement? eingebettet.
John Ruskin et le Gothic Revival: le gothique comme ... - HAL Thèses
Enseignements et travail personnel à l'université : La licence offre une formation générale et fondamentale. Au cours de cette seconde année, les deux semestres ...
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4 The Status of Gray Wolf Reintroduction to Colorado 8 Discovering ...
Previous analysis of annual variation in wolf sightings in DNPP and Yellowstone National Park indicated that wolf sightings were affected by pack size, den ...
The acceptance of a new breeding male into a wild wolf pack
Abstract: The acceptance of an unfamiliar male wolf (Canis lupus) into a wolf pack after the recent death of the pack's alpha male was observed and filmed at ...
Impacts of Landscape Change on Wolf Restoration Success
We used multiple logistic regression to develop a resource-selection function relating wolf distribution in the. Greater Yellowstone region with regional-scale ...
Yellowstone Science - National Park Service
The project proposed for Yellowstone Lake was called a ?molecular all-taxa biodi- versity inventory? (MATBI) because the primary objective was to use gene ...