Junior doctors - Revista da Associação Médica Brasileira
RESUMO. Relata-se caso de Doença de Still do adulto, considerada uma desordem rara, cujos registros na literatura são escassos. Apresentamos um caso com ... 
Avaliação do perfil psiquiátrico de pacientes com mucopolissacaTal fenótipo pode ser um transtorno mental ou outras características de comportamento não necessariamente associadas a transtornos. No caso específico das ... ??????? ??????????????? ???????? ...?????? . ... ???????????????????????????????????????????. ???????????????????????? ... ??????? ???????????????? ?????? ...????????????????????????????????. ????????????????????????????????. ????? ... GENERAL ASSEMBLY - United Nations Digital Library SystemSeminar and courses will take place in Mogambique. ... After the termination of the first set of courses the course outcome will be evaluated. On. UNIDROIT 1999 Study LXV ? Scholarships: Impl. 12 (Original: French)(IDLI) was established in 1983 as an international non-governmen- tal organisation under the law of the Netherlands to assist develop- ing ... World Bank DocumentThe International Development Law Institute (IDLI), with headquarters in Rome, is a non-profit, international non governmental organisation ... Jahrgang 1994 Ausgegeben am 14. April 1994 85. Stück - RISOrganisation intergouvernementale basée à Rome, l'IDLI, conçoit et réalise des programmes de formation continue destinés à des juristes (conseillers ... January 15, 1985The French course took place in Rome between. February 10-23, 1985 ... Further information on this course and other IDLI programs can be obtained from Mr. Vol. 2, No. 2 Summer 1985 - ICSIDHague Academy Recueil des Cours 98 (1959-111), 297, at 312-315. 30. United ... (IDLI) in Rome, and the International Law Institute (ILI) in Washington ... Institution-Building to Assist ComplianceIDLI, an intergovernmental organisation based in Rome, conducts training schemes for mid- ... Cours Francophones: Programmes régionaux : (3 semaines chacun, dates ... Alanis Obomsawin - Het CollectiefThis picture of Alanis Obomsawin was taken in her office, at the National Film Board's Montreal headquarters on Le Chemin. DU COURT AU LONG MÉTRAGE FROM SHORT TO FEATURE FILMDu 9 au 15 décembre 2023, dix cinéastes récemment sélectionné·es avec leurs courts métrages à la Semaine de la Critique présentent leurs ...