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??? (Université de Niigata) et Suzuki K?ji ???? (Université Ch??). Les dates du colloque coïncidaient avec la sortie en salle à Tokyo du film de ...
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Female Agency in Manuscript Cultures - OAPEN Library
Kond? Yasushi ???? (2014), Gy?ki to chishiki sh?dan no k?kogaku ??? ... cours-de-lilara/proche-orient-ancien/emesal> (ac- cessed on 9 March 2021) ...
of 117 Master of Business Administration (MBA) ? Digital Marketing ...
1.0 The MBA Digital Marketing programme is a specialized degree wherein the student shall be admitted to this programme wherein the ...
Conference Proceedings - NGM College
The National Conference by on National Education Policy and Human Values is very important topic for the future prospects of varied dimension of ...
2019-2020 - MOP Vaishnav College
I am pleased to inform you that you have been nominated as the Chairperson and. Mrs. A. Amutha, Director of Physical Education of your ...
Untitled - career choice 360
Bangalore) Pro-Kharagoun. Research Falls Nobe Unitedt. Strategy and General Management. Ameet Kumar Banerjee. 24 HB. University Hengel. Engineer Collegel. FPM ...
Master of Business Administration (MBA) - Jagannath University Jaipur
Faculty of Management Studies. MBA Programme. 1. INTRODUCTION. The quality of higher education in M.B.A. should be improved in such a manner that.
NAAC Self Study Report - 2015
The curriculum committee comprises of faculty members and experts from industry, research organizations, peer institutions, and alumni. Development or review of.
Report on the Call for Papers and Preliminary Scientific Programme
Theme Conveners: Aris Ananta, University of Indonesia. Ragui Assaad, University of Minnesota. Vladimir Canudas-Romo, University of Southern ...
Academic Year 2024-25 Syllabus Batch: 2024-26 Credits: 103
The curriculum is designed to expose students to both theoretical and practical aspects and provide them with hands-on experience in the latest managerial ...
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