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IMF Glossary
The main body of the Glossary consists of terms, phraseological units, and institutional titles covering a broad variety of areas, such as macroeconomics, money ...
Lexique des prêts aux étudiants / Glossary of Student Loans
self-financing scheme régime autofinancé (n.m.) semester semestre (n.m.) ... tax credit on student loan interest crédit d'impôt au titre des intérêts ...
Commerzbank Aktiengesellschaft - MFSA
The main driver of the German recovery is above all the favourable economic conditions: interest rates are extremely low and global demand is very lively.
Competition and Regulation in Retail Banking | OECD
Au cours des vingt dernières années ... Thus persons who have no credit rating, or a poor credit rating, may rely on their personal.
Environnement institutionnel et comportement des banques
M. Olivier Brossard. Professeur des Universités, Directeur de Science Po Toulouse, président du jury. Mme Catherine Refait-Alexandre.