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Entity. Number. Business Name. Address line1. Address line2. City. State. Zip Code. 3760923 Miga Funding Partners, LP. 3402 Village Rd. Orwigsburg. PA.


YOUTH OPPORTUNITIES - Philadelphia City Council
I'm Councilmember Kendra Brooks. As an. At-Large Councilmember, I was elected to represent and serve all of Philadelphia. If you live in Philly, ...
19134. 11/21/2022 11:47. Donna. Novak. 2621 E. Venango Street Philadelphia Pa. 19134. 12/1/2022 10:33. Rachel. Gazda. 3004 Almond Street. 19134.
Scripting silence: the expanded screenplay as present-traumatic ...
This chapter will explore whether, in their haste to punish piracy and save jobs, legislators and some judges may be doing away with the public trial and ...
Chapter 6 - The Inquisitorial Internet - Search eLibrary :: SSRN
Examines new developments in the story of diamond formation and their extraction from the earth. 400 Gem News International. Gemfields emerald and ruby auctions ...
Fall 2024 Gems & Gemology - GIA
... songs and music from its access to all the songs available on. Spotify.1057 It would be challenging to prove that the AI's music derived from any specific song( ...
Artificially Intelligent Copyright: Rethinking Copyright Boundaries
firmed by Cour ... Works: An Empirical Study of Music Video Content on YouTube', in ... cerns copyrighted (and uncopyrighted) material typically distributed.
Erzählen und Recht / Narrative and Law
Ergon ? ein Verlag in der Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden 2022. Das Werk einschließlich aller seiner Teile ist urheberrechtlich geschützt.
Building a Better Mousetrap: Blocking Disney's Imperial Copyright ...
When that song was still under copyright, the copyright holder pulled in millions of dollars of licensing fees every time the song was sung.
312363 Aurelija Lukoseviciene - Lund University Publications
... music,50 or scientific research,51 it has been pointed out that the threshold of copyright protection might not be completely suitable for protecting the ...
Authors, Attribution, and Integrity: Examining Moral Rights in the ...
uncopyrighted materials.?215 It began its analysis with the dictionary ... YouTube to Launch Music Streaming Service Next Week,. Adds Credits to Music ...
Articles pour le bien-être et l'autonomie - DigitecPharma
... cours d'activités physiques. Une protection ultime contre les fuites avec ... OPTIC. Taille standard. RÉF. 851021. 790. ?. TTC. 990. ?. TTC. 690. ?. TTC. 890.
La promotion de bonnes méthodes de relations professionnelles ...
Les cours supérieurs à 20 dollars E.-U. le baril sembleraient s'être stabilisés à leur niveau optimal pour les producteurs de pétrole et de gaz, mais les.