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Supporting Collaborative Reflection at Work: A Socio-Technical ...

Embedded in the digital world, a new phenomenon that is innovating the way we work, learn, produce and consume ? the Maker Movement ? has.


Maker Movement as a Path of Digital Transformation? - TH Wildau
The paper proposes a three level schema to order the results of requirements analysis: social, socio-technical, ... To make socio-technical and technical design ...
TORA - Three Level Ordered Requirements Analysis - TUprints
Instead of IT artifacts, WS theory considers socio-technical WS as the core unit of analysis in organizations. (Alter, 2003). The WS theory includes the WS ...
towards an integrated method for work system transformation in times
A sociotechnical approach recognizes that a technology's real-world safety and perfor- mance is always a product of technical design and broader societal forces ...
Explainer: A Sociotechnical Approach to AI Policy | Data & Society
This paper examines these developments from the perspective of unique, individual understandings of work roles and sustainability, posing the questions 'Smart' ...
Socio-technical systems: From design methods to ... - CS Archive
It is widely acknowledged that adopting a socio-technical approach to system development leads to systems that are more acceptable to end users and deliver ...
The U.S. Air Service in WWI, vol 3 -
Mihiel is of singular significance in the his- tory of United States participation in World War I. It was the first battle in France in which an American army ...
Histories of two hundred and fifty-one divisions of the German army ...
information contained in a divisional history. The outline of the past engagements of a division is known from the Battle-Order records. Prisoners add to ...
British generalship on the Western Front in the First World War, 1914 ...
This thesis explores the British Army's response on the Western Front to the period of seminal change, 1914-18. The first two chapters examine the impact of ...
In the writing of this volume the author has been given full access to relevant official documents in possession of the Department of National Defence; ...
Armies, Corps, Divisions, and Separate Brigades - GovInfo
Wilson, John B., 1934-. Armies, corps, divisions, and separate brigades I compiled by John B. Wilson. p. em. - (Army lineage series). Includes bibliographical ...
The U.S. Air Service in World War I, vol 1 - Department of Defense
Final report of the Chief of Air Service, AEF. A tactical history of the Air Service, AEF. 1. European War, 1914-1918-Aerial operations, American.
The American Expeditionary Forces during World War I, Journals of ...
Descriptive Title: First Division reports, including instructions on open warfare, troop movements, and march and billeting field orders, April 16?30, 1918.