expert teacher gaze across two cultural settings - CORE
All statistical analyses comprised of repeated measures ANOVA. Transformed ... material gaze, = -.93, s.e. = .50, t = -1.87, p = .07, and proportions of gaze ... 
Thèse HDR - CNRSAbstract We study hydrogen in the Saha regime, within the physical picture in terms of a quantum proton-electron plasma. Long ago, Saha showed that, ... RADHEAT-V4:A Code System to Generate Multigroup Constants ...A modular code system RADHEAT-V4 lias been developed for performing precisely neutron and photon transport analyses, and shielding safety evaluations. TOUGHREACT V3.0-OMP Reference Manual: A Parallel Simulation ...Zexc`7.!Trailer!for!Zexc!records!(one!record!only,!at!end!of!zone!list ... 93,!94,!114,!116,!124,!125,!138! Y(. Yucca!Mountain!·!77,!78,!81,!82,!84,!85! TOUGHREACT User's Guide - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory... all simulation cases, the slight decrease in porosity is due to ... 93, 109, 110, 111, 113, 128, 137, 147, 178,. 185, 186, 192, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 242 ... GUIDELINES FOR GOOD PRACTICES AND SUCCESSFUL ...In February 2019, the Swiss Insitute of Comparative Law was requested by the Eidgenössisches Büro für die Gleichstellung von Menschen mit ... The opportunities and barriers of different employment models for ...due to stimulant use (22.7% of all inpatient treatments due to illicit drugs, 7.1% of all inpatient ... 87% of women and 93% for men (Naumann & Bonn, 2018). In ... e-avis-2019-17-19-019-disabilities-in-workplace.pdfThis publication compiles articles resulting from the international interdis? ciplinary conference ?The Right to Work for Persons with Disabilities ?. Treatment... All India Institute of Technology. Association des ingénieurs INSA de Toulouse. Associazione Italiana Ingegneri del Traffico. Australian International ... The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with DisabilitiesThe term ?disability? seems to sum up a rather semantically fuzzy form of denotation and a huge amount of possible connotations. Das Postulat der Vollinklusion im Förder- und BetreuungsbereichThis special issue of Parallèlescontains revised versions of papers presented at an international workshop held at the University of Mainz in Germersheim. A Comparative Analysis of the Mechanisms of Social Inclusion forI would like to express my great appreciation and thanks to both my German and. Russian PhD advisors: Professor Dr. Ernst von Kardorff at the Humboldt ... 33rd Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 2021)The objective of this thesis is to analyze the WCTT of all flows on the ... They define a fitness function which select the mapping where all communications of ...