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There are many stars which exhibit intrinsic variability and of these the stars undergoing radial pulsations are probably the most important.


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... all its parts. The vacuum system has been tested, and at the target station ... 53. 293 (1987). [2] M. Gurvitch, M.A. Washington, and H.A. Huggins,. Appl ...
John Worrell Phd thesis - St Andrews Research Repository
BRIEF INTRODUCTION ON JAPONIC. LANGUAGE HISTORy ?...?..?......?.?...............?........,. 1. 1.1.1. Proto Japonic and Proto Ryukyuan.
PSI - International Nuclear Information System (INIS)
Retrotransposon-Based Molecular Markers for Analysis of Genetic Diversity within the Genus Linum,. Nataliya V. Melnikova, Anna V.
Molecular Phylogenetics 2014 -
La capacité de Listeria monocytogenes à adhérer et à persister sur les surfaces dans les ateliers agro-alimentaires pendant de longues ...
Systematic, well-designed research provides the most effec- tive approach to the solution of many problems facing high- way administrators and engineers.
Fakulti Pendidikan Sesi Akademik 2022-2023
Résumé. Cette th`ese a pour objet l'étude et la conception d'algorithmes d'apprentissage, notamment pour la classification de données et la régression aux ...
Security Analysis of System Behaviour
Southern Rhodesia '53% Local 'Registered Stock 1979/81: Certificate 'No.. 216 for $416, dated the 15th November,. 1974, in the name of 'Miss ...
une approche PAC-Bayésienne PAC-Bayesian Statistical Learning ...
We investigate the effects of quantized channel state information (CSI) on the performance of resource allocation algorithms in wireless networks.
PublishedbyAuthority - Gazettes.Africa
~ report that balloon-launched tests were conducted in which a simulaed full-scale Viking vehicle attached to a 16 metre (53 ft.) nominal diameter parachute was ...
by Ehsan Karamad A thesis submitted in conformity with ... - TSpace
L2(R)) of the set of all functions whose Fourier transform can be written as the product of an arbitrary trigonometric polynomial u{z) with the fixed ...
agard-ag-295 - NATO STO
... FZik i. 0. Linear inequality constraint vector related to forbidden zones. 0. /. E ... All emphasized advantages of GPS, GSS and MADS, particularly in comparison ...
Minimax Analysis of Active Learning
Abstract. This work establishes distribution-free upper and lower bounds on the minimax label com- plexity of active learning with general hypothesis ...