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World Bank Document

published in all EU languages in the Official Journal of the European Union. ... 97: All hip implants ? Group 1 markets ? Market shares by value ...


questions (including all the classificatory items) being asked of all respondents, and the ... Trade union or staff association membership: current - UnionSA and ...
British Social Attitudes 1997 Survey TECHNICAL REPORT
44,45--. I. 47. *. N0TE: Ref. #s 53 &. 55. (2 for. Each Foot of. 8ar. Beyond l0')Ref #54 ... lbow-Auto,. 90,. 04HP-041'|S. I. Tee-Auto,04MC-04MC-04HC. I. Tubing- ...
Series - Etnyre
During all the time of our collaboration, Prof. Dr. Christoph Knill provided me with a very constructive working environment, by giving me the freedom to ...
Search-based and supervised text generation
After these 3 years (+ 6 months) working on this PhD, I would like to thank all those who made this work possible.
General Distribution OCDE/GD(97)42 - OECD
But the ?Annex II?-table should, on the other hand, contain no row at all for an operation, if the operation does not relate to any vessel registered in the ...
DOC 97-70-04 - Eurocontrol
EFMS, will select an optimised trajectory, using the fixed route pre-departure ATFM ... all, or almost all cases. 20 minutes ahead, may prove to be extremely ...
Branches infinies - ACCESMAD
Termes manquants :
1996/97 Land Use of Australia
(6) Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 July 2018 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of ...
Unclassified OCDE/GD(97)207 - OECD
Box 11: RIPE TLD Working Group -- Draft Terms of Reference, September 1997. Aim Of The Working Group. The aim of the TLD Working Group is to initiate and ...
MySQL 5.1 Reference Manual - Mirror UNPAD
Described are the theoretical development and computer implementation of reliable and efficient methods for the analysis of coupled mechanical problems.
MySQL Reference Manual for version 5.0.3-alpha
The MySQL (R) software delivers a very fast, multi-threaded, multi-user, and robust SQL (Structured. Query Language) database server.
Manuel MySQL 4.1.x ? Version Française
... all?static ??with?mysqld?ldflags=?all?static. 2.2.8 Binaires compilés par MySQL AB. 75. Page 95. Linux 2.4.xx Intel Itanium 2 with ecc (Intel C++ Itanium ...