Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing 2018 ...
The kappa statistic: a second look. Computational Linguistics, 30(1):95?101. [Dipper et al., 2004] Dipper, S., Götze, M. 
Collaborative Annotation for Reliable Natural Language ProcessingThis was all done using CrowdFlower and a simple, custom built gamified NER tool on three datasets from related literature and a fourth newly annotated corpus. An Extended Study of Content and Crowdsourcing-related ...... all EU Member States and in all other European states which report ... 95. Http://www. Shiklomanov, I., 1998 ... An empirical investigation on user understanding of algorithmsThis pilot study was undertaken to demonstrate the potential benefits from using. EUROWATERNET for assessing nitrogen contamination of groundwater and thus. Characterisation of a putative N-terminal GLUT4 kinase Analytical Chemistry 1995 Vol.67 No.20 Programming with Mental Models Agent Programmeertalen - DSpaceChanges of address must include both old and new addresses with ZIP code and a recent mailing label. Send all address changes to the ACS Columbus address. SBZLS-C458 22041212081 - Rochester, NHIn September 2004, PA Consulting completed and submitted to USAID and counterparts the Heating Strategy for the Republic of Azerbaijan. AUTOMATIC INFORMATIVE ABSTRACTING AND EXTRACTING... 95. 6 .6 Multi- agent Meeting S cheduling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 ... all N invitees have responded to the request of the host to schedule the ... I I I I - Bitsavers.orgALL MATERIALS ARE TO BE COMPACTED TO 95% OF ASTM D-1557. DRAINAGE TRENCH. NOT TO SCALE. Designed and Produced in NH. Jones & Beach Engineers ... Geometric aspects of highways - Transportation Research BoardLU-LU sessions are, of course, where all application data is carried in SNA. There are several additional considerations unique to such sessions and some of ... Lexical Selection for Machine Translation - CORECurrent research in Natural Language Processing (NLP) tends to exploit corpus resources as a way of overcoming the problem of knowledge acquisition. Human and Automatic Annotation of Discourse Relations for Arabicrepresent all potential discourse annotations (Taboada and Mann 2006). In ... reliable, with a percentage agreement of 95%/95% and kappa of 0.88/0.83 on Set 1.