Systems genetics in polygenic autoimmune diseases
showed a significant association (-log p-value > 4) with all five miRNAs mapped to ... 46% on the murine and 98% vs. 52% on the human set of sequences ... 
Characterization of treatment resistance in a preclinical in vivo ...consistently reduced tumor burden by at least 99% in all mice of all PDX ALL samples (Fig. ... 1p36 tumor suppression--a matter of dosage? Cancer. DissertationThe work described in this thesis was performed from 2012 to 2015 in the Department of. Translational Immunology at the National Center for Tumour Diseases ... Mechanistic insights into specificity determinants and catalytic ...All cysteine residues in AUM were exchanged to a serine via site-directed ... Figure 46: Activation of AUM/CS mutant activity upon DTT treatment. Fold of ... Understanding the molecular mechanism underlying the effect of cis ...46 proteins were present in all cell lines and tissue analyzed. In total, 103, 345, 746 proteins were detected only in 293T cells, mouse adult brain tissue ... THESE DE DOCTORAT Catharina von NicolaiBut of course all the success at work would not have been possible without the support ... 46. Caldecott, K. Single-strand break repair and genetic disease. Nat ... molecular genetic analyses in hereditary cardiac arrhythmia ...In the present work, we performed postmortem genetic analyses in a cohort of young sudden death cases (aged <45 years) by means of a defined gene panel ... THÈSE - Theses.frAll in all, the evidence point that chromatin structure in pluripotent stem cells is distinct and is tightly interconnected with their undifferentiated ... U 46 M-Fluid Active Substance: MCPA 500 g/L as DMA salt ... - BVLChoosing GESTRA technology for your system requirements does not end with a selection from a catalogue. We work with our customers to develop lasting solutions ... PROCEEDINGS 46 CONFERENCE46/pos. t) de la roue arrière, un tournevis plat est nécessaire. 6. Retirez la roue de l'axe. 7. Avant le montage, graissez les axes avec du lubrifiant. 8 ... GGS 46 AbstractsJudgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber) of 11 December 2014 ? European Commission v Kingdom of Spain. (Case C-678/11) (1). Ontology-Based Data Access II - Lecture 9 - IFIS Uni Lübeck? disjunction of queries realized by SQL UNION. 40 / 46. Page 73. Example (Unfolding for Measurement Scenario) ... SELECT SID FROM SENSOR :=Aux( ... CAC/46 INF/1 JOINT FAO/WHO FOOD STANDARDS PROGRAMME ...A tool to assess the implementation of Infection Prevention and Control (Agri-IPC), including water, hygiene, sanitation, and wastewater ...