Efficient Clustering of Massive Data with MapReduce
While clustering based on all attributes, in the full-space, is futile, va- luable cluster patterns can be found for subsets of attributes, in subspace ... 
Alternative Clustering in Subspace Projections - RWTH PublicationsIn the Name field, enter a descriptive name for the connector. By default, the value of the field is the name of the connector as it appears in the Toolbox. Connect-It - Support1 Select the connector and choose the Tools/Configure menu. 2 Select the ... NULL, 425. O. Optimized SQL, 420. ORDER BY, 449 , 49. Description strings, 430. Outer ... Topic Editors Julien Dubois and Nathan Faivre - Loc- Working Group 1: Model validation for biota dose assessment working group. This report describes the work of the Biota Working Group under Theme 3. The IAEA ... Modelling Radiation Exposure and Radionuclide Transfer for Non ...The French rapporteur for the risk evaluation of 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, di-C8-10- branched alkyl esters, C9-rich and di-?isononyl? phthalate, ... On the theory and practice of updatable parametric timed automata... 1 s.t. for all 0 ? i ? f ? 1, wi ? (Ei,v(Di)). Finally there is ... We finally return the union of all regions Rp that reach l. The ... NATIONS UNIES - UN Environment Document Repository Home1): Guidelines for monitoring chemical contaminants in marine organisms (1.1.5.); - Annex VI: UNEP/FAO/IOC/IAEA (1988). Reference methods No 7 (Rev. 2): ... collective agreement between: bc ferry & marine workers' unionBoth the complainant and the respondent (if a member of the Union) shall be advised of the purpose of all meetings convened during the course of ... AGREEMENT - BC Ferry & Marine Workers' UnionTABLE OF CONTENTS. PREAMBLE AND DEFINITIONS *. Article 1. 1.01 - Purpose of Agreement. 1.02 - Definitions *. 1.03 - Future Legislation. ANNEX XV RESTRICTION REPORT PROPOSAL FOR A ...In all CTP 1 dose groups, the frequency of ulcerative dermatitis was ... Official Journal of the European Union, L 353-1-L 353/1355. EC/HC (1994). Canadian ... eo0 El¥ins - Atlantic County Library SystemA new species of Mabuya lizard from the isolated Caribbean island of San Andres is described. This species is closely related to Mabuya ... Agricultural College 1 - Iowa Publications OnlineOf course it is all for. Hammonton?of course ! This town has increased under ... Ixitlmr mi-, but 1 huvo nil inuro porpltislty itlioiil llii'in, for 1 uny In ... thie role of prisons in society hearings - Office of Justice Programs... 1 with far lel!i expon~:~o at home. Nearly all the young' men who sel'k. 1. 1 admission to the Iowa Agricultural UollPgc bring with them a com- l. ' pletLJ ...