Creating Value. For a Better Tomorrow. - Annual Reports
Ten respondents indicated that all their equity instruments classified as AFS under IAS 39 are held for the long term. 5. The total amount of equity ... 
Q&As on EMIR implementationand 39 of EMIR) apply to clearing members of all CCPs established in the European Union. ... both Articles 39(5) and 39(7)). (j) No but EU ... NORTH SÁMI IN NORWAY ELDIA Case-Specific ReportSession 1: Micro and macro views on financial stability: different perspectives of the risks affecting financial system. Macroprudential policy frameworks ... Precision measurements of QCD radiation in top-antitop and Z+jets ...The study focuses on the ~400,000 homeowners of E- and F-label dwellings for which prefinancing mechanisms should help solving the financing gap. Figure 4. Pre-financing mechanisms for climate renovations accessible to all ...We call this the Group Assignment Problem (GAP). Let. FGAP denote the set of all feasible solutions of the GAP. For a solution a ? FGAP, we have an ordering ... Online Scheduling & Project SchedulingThe GW approximation in electronic structure theory has become a widespread tool for predicting electronic excitations in chemical compounds ... A Practical Guide to Theoretical Photoemission SpectroscopyThis chapter introduces the microscopic traffic simulation systems. The online simulation system. (OLSIM) that powers the traffic information platform ... Modelling and implementation of a microscopic traffic simulation ...This year's programme, with about 600 contributions (3 keynote lectures, 387 talks, and 204 posters) illustrates a wide variety of topics covering nearly all ... INTRODUCTION - IMF eLibrary - International Monetary FundThis pilot assessment of the implementation of the Key Attributes of Effective. Resolution Regimes for Financial Institutions (KA)1 in the insurance sector ... Fundamentals and Special Problems of Synthetic Aperture Radar ...The Union has 11iS: Tecbmme~d EPa;e 140) 'that, for ,the purpos'es of ... ----. ~ay ~~ ttainlng- of the -disabled for· employment. The training schemes ... SELECT COMMITTEE ON THE HEALTH SERVICESThe fiducial mass of the detector consists of 1000 tonnes of D 2 O, which provides sensitivity to all neutrino fl avours. ... 39. 3 . 3 .5 Supernova Neutrino ... Federal Communications Commission FCC 98-24... 39 944.3 607.0 41500 711 37390 643. 0.0. 0.0. 98.7. WI EAU CLAIRE 18 15 50.0 226.0 11397 231 11320 230. 0.3. 0.1 100.0. WI FOND DU LAC 68 44 122.7 506.0 26083 ... MICROCOPY RESOt LITION TES 1 CHARY - ERICPlease list other technologies; _computers -- 49= films -42; AV-- general - 24f library skills = 20; audio radio - 19. 8. Indicate tiv constituencies which ...