The study explores the beliefs and wishes of respondents in Pretoria concerning crime seriousness and criminal sentencing in South Africa. 
THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT - IIASA PUREThese options are briefly described and tabulated according to purpose to help the user select the alter- native best suited to his needs. References are qiven. 42846059.pdf - CORE... --.',%_ . _ . ?. °°°°°°o°oeeeooooo°o_oeooo°oe°ooo°. °o°ooeeee°oe. °oee°oee°o ... 1. 0.60. 0.875. 400. I0. 3.84. 2.20. 400. 4. 1.536. 1.41. THE GLOBAL MAPPING OF GRAVITY WITH TWO SATELLITES - NCGThis is a report on a method for the detailed and global mapping of the p1 anetary gravitational field using two artificial sate1 l i tes. computer simulation applied to parcel conveyors... 1) Option 1 (Analytic). 3E: -1 B. --I tan. 7 - -. -. L. - -1 B. n t tan. 7 - 1. 2). Option 2 (Analytic). 3). Option 3 (Hypergeometric Series). QN and lQN+I are ... PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONSThe importance of partial differential equations among the topics of applied mathematics bas been recognized for many years. However, the increasing. Manual W&T - Wiesemann & Theis GmbH| Afficher les résultats avec : CA QLQ? Online Query for CA IDMScours Guavus s-Server Streaming SQL Reference Manual V6.0.0Termes manquants : SQL Command and Function User's GuideThis tab is located in the Related Titles section of the page. lv. Page 6. 1. CHAPTER 1. Getting Started with SELECT by Jonathan Gennick. The SELECT command is ... STATE OF IDAHO - Idaho Legislature PROCEEDINGS INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS MATHEMATICIANS... 1. ? I. 21, 1989. I 1 . 1··. ' '. . .. Page 5. c. 4 1 89. -,; l ·. IDAH0'1SESSION LAWS. CHAPTER 4. (H.B. No. 90). AN ACT. 5. RELATING TO AGRICULTURAL· ... vtsroN - ABES Engineering College... all the difference between all the data of both tables. It happens often that tables of the collection contained in the Handy tablt have been obtained by ...