Accessing a Functional Database via CODASYL-DML Transactions.
Determination of the exact effects of respiration rate on the heart rate variability requires comprehensive experimental studies. In this context, these two ... 
DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF A PC-BASED HEART ... - COREcontaining NULL ( 1 ) and the remaining M-K containi~ NULL ( ) ? ( 1 ) Suppose that a write operation occurs, directed towards a piece of the LB that falls ... mit/lcs/tr-174 a case study of intermodule dependencies in a virtual ...As shown above, we create an EMF for a persistence-unit. A persistence-unit is simply a way of having independent groupings of entities, mapping info and/or ... JPA Persistence Guide (v6.0) - DataNucleussume that if all component columns are null, then the entire component is null. ... query, usually 1 for the initial select which only returns identifiers, and n ... Hibernate Reference Documentation - JBoss.orgThis, of course, makes it unattractive to select an element from a record by ... produces .s[i] for all i = 1, --. , n.. 3. A sequence x is said to be an ... Hibernate Reference Documentation - OnsemiHibernates goal is to relieve the developer from 95 percent of common data persistence related programming tasks. Hibernate may not be the best solution for ... Goodness-of-fit tests for discrete and censored data, based on the ...optical signal processing for missile guidance is documented. A full descrip- tion of our test and evaluation of the Soviet PRIZ spatial light modulator is. Optical Pattern Recognition for Missile Guidance. - DTICsolve, of course, all the typical problems of historical computing. Introducing. CLIO, Thaller had already pointed to the inherent fuzziness of historical ... Towards reliable operation of converter-dominated power systems... all prescribed frequency thresholds. Moreover, the analysis focuses on ... 1 Anti-Islanding Testing Conditions. A generic system traditionally used for ... LIPIcs, Vol. 31, ICDT'15 - Complete Volume - DROPSLIPIcs is a series of high-quality conference proceedings across all fields in informatics. ... 1 ,g+. 2 ,g?. 3 }, (Country1, Country2)) contains ... Cascalog for sensor data processing - IFIS Uni LübeckIn step 1 Cascalog joins all aggregators while applying as many functions and filters ... the query using union are bound in let. let is a ... THE WESTFIELD LEADER - DigiFind-Ito n d « y night's applications. < about evenly divided ai to choice between the police «i- e and air raid wards* uaiU,. Are auxiliary art lint aid. ixtendRecroiting or Defense Units - DigiFind-ItAdmitting a mistake: Errant ways have reflected poorly on all media in the minds of the public. TASTE. Smart snackers: Munch on nu- tritious ...