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ProQuest Dissertations - UCL Discovery

This thesis describes research conducted in the School of Pharmacy, University of. London between November 2002 and November 2005 under the supervision of.


Robust Audio Segmentation École Polytechnique F ´ed ´erale de ...
Figure 1.1. The usefulness of the three tasks addressed in this thesis from an ASR point of view. The speech/non- speech segmentation allows only speech ...
City Research Online - CORE
37. 1. Page 4. 3.3 The Structure of a Linear Operator in an n-Dimensional S p ace........................... 3.3.1 Geometric Theory of Elementary Divisors [Gan.
Tamvaklis thesis 1999 PDF-A.pdf - City Research Online
Abstract: This paper examines the transformations brought by social media to the field of the political. Main focus here is the new youth democratic ...
Social and environmental dimension of sustainable development
In--a-case involving the Communication. Workers of America and members of a bargaining unit who objected to many union expenditures, a master appointed by a.
campus bargaining at the crossroads
I would also like to thank Alan for discussing all aspects of this thesis with me. While pushing and prodding me to stay focused, he nonetheless gave me room to ...
Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problems Ross Adams Lippert - DSpace@MIT
Semi-similarity is an equivalence relation for spectral operators, and for essentially essentially finite spectral operators on Hubert space the. Weyr ...
Tensors in computations - UChicago Stat
We will explain tensors in an accessible and elementary way through the lens of linear algebra and numerical linear algebra, elucidated with examples from ...
arine Guilty of Murder In Stranf1ulation Case - IIS Windows Server
<AP> - President Carter, a onetime career submarine of- ficer. slipped beneath the surface of the Atlantic today aboard the.
Congrès annuel de la Société statistique du Canada
... Union Building (SUB). Pour le banquet du mardi soir au parc Fort Edmonton, des ... search space of all relabellings of PG(p?1,2), and duire l'espace de ...
Christoph Breunig. Regression with selectively missing covariates. Aurore Delaigle. Nonparametric covariate adjusted regression. Gwennaëlle Mabon.
Interpretable Representations for Fast and Accurate Retrieval of ...
Hereby I declare that this paper is my original authorial work, which I have worked out on my own. All sources, references, and literature used or ex- cerpted ...
Translationese indicators for human translation quality estimation ...
We overview approaches to bench- marking quality in translation and provide a detailed description of our own annotation experiments. Of the ...